Chapter 14

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I could hear muffled voices just outside the door, and resorted to listening through the cracks at the sides of the door. I placed my head uncomfortably close to Nathan's and ignored the strange feeling in my gut from being in such a close proximity to him.

"Uh, hey what's up?" Logan greeted the newcomer, sounding rather nervous. I could just imagine the look on his face, and the way he probably was tugging at the ends of his hair.

"Don't 'hey me' idiot," the newcomer snapped. Her voice sounded like a combination of all the worst bitches at my school. And I was sure she had the face to match it.

This girl was probably more likeable than Madison, I decided sarcastically.

 Thinking about things like that made my heart stop pounding so loudly. I was sure Nathan could hear me at the rate my chest was thumping. I placed my hand to my chest and tried to calm myself down. I didn't even know why I was so nervous. I mean, it wasn't even like this girl was brandishing a gun and was threatening to kill me. I didn't even know her, for God's sake.

Though I would never admit it to him, having Nathan next to me in the dark actually made me feel a lot safer. Even if it was just a girl out there.

"Where's Nathan? I need to talk to him. Like now. It's about--"

"He's not here," Sam cut in smoothly. Too smoothly, I thought. Sam wasn't so good at lying. It made me smile a little. It was kind of cute.

"He's never here," the girl replied angrily. "This is my third time coming here. Why is he never around? Can't he just take a couple hours out of his busy life of laying girls one after the other and come see me for a little? Just for like ten freaking minutes."

Logan snickered quietly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nathan shift in his position and scoff quietly.

"I'll tell him that you came around when I see him," Sam replied evenly.

"Yeah, tell him that," the girl snapped. "He's never around. And it's important. It's about the chick we were talking about."

Logan said something quickly that I couldn't understand very well, and the girl's voice dropped to a whisper. I could only hear a few words here and there that didn't amount to anything even mildly comprehensible.

"What are they talking about?" I whispered quietly to Nathan, turning my head slightly in his direction.

"You," he answered shortly, never taking his eyes off the door.

"Me?" I asked, bewildered and at the same time frightened by his response. Why the heck were they talking about me? Were they catching on to something? Was Mike's gang realizing that I was hiding? Were they coming for me now?

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