Chapter 19

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"No, no. You're doing this all wrong. Are you stupid or something?"

I glared at Randy and adjusted my stance again. "Stop being such a jerk. Maybe then I'll start listening to you more," I snapped.

The next day, Randy had informed that he was going to teach me some basic self-defense. Apparently, I was totally helpless and weak, so I was going to need some major help if a situation ever called for it. Those were his words, not mine.

From the few lessons I took on karate, I thought I knew the basic stances and whatnot. Besides, from all my street experiences, I had decided it would be pretty useful to know some self-defense.

But after a few minutes at trying to act like I knew what I was talking about to Randy, I just gave up on pretending.

Randy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm just telling it like it is. Now punch me."

I stared at him. "Punch you? Like, hit you?"

Randy stared at me. "Do you need a freaking dictionary? A punch is a punch. Punch me."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What if I hurt you?"

Randy looked at me for a second then laughed like what I had said was even remotely funny. "No, you won't," he said after a moment.

"What if I do?" I asked, annoyed that he was being so confident.

Randy shook his head. "You won't. And if you do, then good job."

I goggled at him. "Good job? If I hurt you?"

Randy rolled his eyes. "Dude, just freaking punch me. You're not going to hurt me. I mean, look at the way you're holding your fists. That's like breaking the first rule of punching."

He gestured at my hands, which were tightly clenched together. "Never put your thumbs in your fist; you're going to break them when you try to hit someone effectively."

I quickly pulled my thumbs out and adjusted my fists. "How's that?" I asked.

"Fine," said Randy brusquely. "Now hit me, for the last time."

He was just standing there, looking totally calm. How was I supposed to pretend he was like some punching bag for me to practice on? I wasn't going to just swing my fist at him, as if he was some guy trying to mug me.

I pushed my fist forward and lightly hit his shoulder.

Randy stared at me in silence for a few seconds. "That was seriously the saddest thing I've ever seen," he said after a moment. "What the hell was that Arianna?"

I turned red. "I don't want to punch you, alright? It feels weird."

Randy rolled his eyes. "Just do it. I'll be fine, seriously."

I sighed and backed up a little, making Randy raise his eyebrows. "What, now you're going to give a running start and come at me? I'm just asking you to show me one little punch."

I scowled at him. "Fine. Fine," I said.

I held up my fist in the air and concentrated on aiming at his shoulder. Then with a deep breath, I swung forward, trying to push some force into my punch.

Before I could hit his shirt even, Randy's hand swooped up and clenched my fist in one grip.

My eyes widened, and before I knew it, Randy swung me around and held me in a loose chokehold.

"What the hell!" I yelped, caught completely off-guard. "Let me go!"

Randy let me loose after a few seconds, before I was about to start scratching his arm instinctively. I staggered backwards, still surprised at what had happened.

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