Chapter 25

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When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the stinging pain to my forehead. I reached up gingerly and prodded my head, feeling a noticeable area where I was sure a bruise was starting to form.

I shot up in my seat, suddenly realizing where I was and what was happening.

Mike was sitting next to me in the car, and looked over. "Finally," he muttered.

I backed up in my seat, frightened out of my wits. Was he going to kill me now that I was stranded in a car probably in some obscure alley in the city?

Three other guys came back shortly, climbing into the driver and passenger seats, and the third in the seat to my left.

As the car started, I looked fearfully over at Mike, not even trying to hide my terrified feelings.

Mike laughed. "Don't look so scared darling," he drawled. If I wasn't so freaked out, I would have liked to punch his face.

His expression suddenly turned serious and dark. "Are you going scream again?" His voice was scary and low.

I silently shook my head. I didn't want to get knocked out again. It had been so painful.

And I was too scared out of my mind to try to think of a snappy reply.

Mike nodded once. "Good," he replied. I heard him mumble under his breath, something like, "Damn headache."

He tapped the guy in the passenger seat, I think his name was Danny or something from what I remembered Randy calling him a few days ago.

"Give me the phone."

Danny reached into his pocket and pulled out my phone, tossing it to Mike in one flick of his wrist.

Mike caught the phone and signaled the guy to start the car again.

"Now we're going to have a nice little chat with your friends."

My friends? What was he talking about?

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to accidentally say something that would piss him off.

Mike turned on my phone and began dialing a number on the keypad.

"We're going to call Nathan," he said, his eyes never leaving the phone. He paused his finger over the send button, turning to look over at me. "And we're not going to say anything unnecessary, okay?"

I got the hint and nodded again, fear seeping into every bit of my body.

If this guy had no problem just knocking me out like that, I was sure he would have no problem doing even worse things. I wasn't going to push him, until I had a solid plan.

But as of now, nothing rational was coming to mind.

I mean the most logical thing I could think of was barreling out the car window, which I was sure would not bode well at all.

"You're going to say hello to him and then you're going to wait for me to tell you to say anything more, okay?"

I nodded.

Mike stared at me. "And since I can't believe your word after you screamed earlier, I'm going to show you how serious I am."

He reached down and pulled out a gun.


My breath got stuck in my throat and I shrunk away.

"Do what I told you to do and you'll be fine. Scream for help or say anything unnecessary, well, let's just say that you won't be fine. Understand?"

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