Chapter 15

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(Nathan's POV)

I checked my phone while jogging outside to the car. Back in the closet, I had heard my phone vibrate, but decided that the bright screen light would give me a headache in the darkness.

Besides, I was rather entertained listening to the outside conversations and listening to Shannon harass Sam with so many prying questions. She was really annoying. I wasn't lying to Arianna when I had confessed to hiding out the previous two or three times Shannon had tried to come talk to me. She was just so, intimidating. And while I was definitely all for confident girls, there was a point past which it just got damn overbearing. Like, hell, don't over-advertise non-existing goods, you know?

And, it was interesting to see Arianna get so damn nervous. It was hella cute.

I thought back suddenly to when I had accidentally kind of kissed her and subconsciously touched my lips. It wasn't even a kiss; more like a half-kiss of some sort. All I had done was brush my lips against hers for not even a second. More like a tenth of a second. I hadn't realized how freaking close we were.

And the look on her face? Priceless.

She looked like she was going to explode from embarrassment. I mean, I was pretty embarrassed too from that; it just completely caught me off guard. But Arianna's expression was hilarious. I had never seen anyone look so surprised like that before.

And then later, when I had made fun of her for that? I swear she could have just started attacking me right there and then from her expression.

Messing around with her came like second nature to me. It was incredibly fun, I could always count on her to have some ridiculous response, and it actually took my mind off life. Which was fucking nice, to be completely honest, because life was too much of a bad thing lately.

I hadn't felt that light, flighty feeling in a long time.

The text was from Logan.

I shifted the car into park and brought the phone closer to my face so I could read it.

-Can we talk about the deal man? I don't really feel good about it..idk..can we meet up-

I sighed. First Sam and now Logan? At this rate, Randy was going to come to me and plead to stop this whole deal we had going on.

I shook my head. We couldn't just back out. Dammit; we were this close to securing our position as the strongest gang around here. I wasn't just about to back out all of a sudden.

Besides, it wouldn't even be that bad. If we were careful, she would never even know about what we had done until it was too late. And at that point, I didn't think I'd care too much about what she thought about.

But I couldn't block out the slight nagging in my gut that in a way, what we were doing was a little questionable.

Damn, it was more than questionable. It was messed up. But then again, in a world where my whole life was just fucked up to begin with, I wasn't too afraid of screwing with someone else's if it came down to it.

I shrugged and shifted the gear back to drive.

This was honestly a lot harder than I had imagined.

(Arianna's POV)

I flopped onto my bed, and sighed contently. I had just eaten probably the most delicious pasta I had ever had. Marlee was a freaking good cook; I could have just swallowed the whole damn pot she was cooking in if there weren't other people around who wanted some.

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