Chapter 26

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“How many fucking offices does your dad have?”

If the situation weren’t so serious, I would’ve probably laughed at Mike’s incredulous expression.

I had just dragged him and his cohorts around to my dad’s certificate/awards room, the library, my own workroom, the computer room, the conference room my dad used for meetings and now I was leading them to one of our guest rooms that had been slowly filled with boxes of old files my dad didn’t need anymore.

I had never been so glad to have such a ridiculously huge house before.

At this point, I was just making up everything as I went along, hoping that some fortuitous chance would happen where I could make my escape.

Now more than ever I was wishing that I had fallen through with convincing my dad when I was little that we needed a secret passage hole leading from upstairs to downstairs. That would have been so incredibly useful in this moment. I mean I could just lead them to a room then pop down and vanish.

Well, there was no point in wishful thinking. I had to focus on reality.

And the current reality was that I was pretty screwed.

More than screwed actually. I had no idea what was going on, and I had no idea what I was going to do once I ran out of rooms to pass of as offices to Mike.

But in all honesty, his expressions were pretty damn hilarious. I just hoped that I wouldn’t let any smile crack on my face; more than anything I couldn’t let him know that I was messing around with him to save my own ass.

Mike ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “What the fuck is going on?” he muttered under his breath.

I had just reached downstairs and was pushing open the door to another room.

I looked at the ground, masking my somewhat relieved feelings with an expression of fear. I swallowed deeply and shoved my hands in my jacket’s pockets. As I looked down, I noticed that I was still wearing the pinned nametag from the museum.

It seemed so long ago that Nathan and I had shared a kiss in the museum.

It seemed ages ago that I had felt safe in a house I had been living in for like a week.

My stomach turned, and I frowned, pushing my thoughts away from that.

I was suddenly thrown back into reality when Danny rushed into the room along with the two other guys.

“They’re here goddammit and I don’t know how,” hissed Danny, not even trying to hide his words from me.

Who was here?

A glimmer of hope in me believed that it was Nathan and the rest, but that would be close to impossible.

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