Chapter 23

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I awoke early that morning, with no one shoving their heads in my face, fortunately. However, I also awoke with an ear-splitting headache, one that threatened to make my brain spontaneously combust.

I massaged my temples, hoping to alleviate some of the pain, but it did nothing.

"Wh-why?" I groaned weakly, burying my head in my pillow. Why was I having such a god-awful headache?

Then the events came rushing back to me.

Last night.

The bar.

Drinking a lot.


Drinking some more.



Drinking more.

Wait, wait, wait. What was I thinking. A kiss? Why the hell did that word flash through my brain as I tried to remember the events of the previous night?

Whatever, I thought to myself. That was seriously the least of my worries.

Right now, all I wanted was to get some Advil and overdose myself on them. Whatever would help get rid of the pain.

"Dammit," I hissed, as I teetered towards the bathroom unsteadily. Why had I drunk so much?

I didn't even remember half the things that had happened. I had no idea how I got home and I had no recollection of changing into my pjs and falling asleep.

This worried me greatly. So I decided to venture downstairs and see what was up with everyone else.

When I reached downstairs, Marlee was talking loudly, her hands gesturing animatedly.

"You don't understand how awesome this is going to be!" she said excitedly. "We're going to get to see actual, authentic Rothkos and Mondrians! They're my absolute favorites, I love this!"

"The painters?" I volunteered, heading straight for the medicine cabinet.

Logan and Nathan, who were seated around the kitchen table with bored expressions looked up as I came in.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Marlee with excitement. "I'm glad to see there's at least one cultured person in this room."

Logan raised his eyebrows and grinned at me. "Well look who it is. Miss Party-all-Night decided to finally wake up."

I flushed red. This was the worst thing about getting totally drunk. You had no idea what happened the night before. For all I knew, I could've been dancing naked on tables.

Oh God, that would be so terrible. I would die of embarrassment.

I ignored Logan's comment and poured myself a glass of mango juice to accompany the pill I was going to swallow.

"Hangover?" he said, looking sympathetically as I winced from my headache.

I nodded, taking a huge gulp of juice.

Logan shook his head and grinned. "You should have seen yourself Arianna. It was crazy."

I squeezed my eyes shut, my face bright red.

"Do you not remember anything?" laughed Logan. "You were hilarious dude."

I bit my lip, trying to not melt down right there and then from humiliation. "No," I muttered. "I only remember drinking a lot and-and..." I trailed off, the word 'kiss' suddenly flashing through my brain. I pushed away the thought and sat down around the kitchen table.

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