Chapter 10

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We arrived back at the hangout like a couple hours after; spending the bulk of our lunch with plates long empty, just talking on and on.

I had never told anyone this much about myself. It took years of being friends with Victoria to finally just let out some of my personal problems. But with Sam I felt unnaturally comfortable sharing these kinds of stuff with him.

I guess it was because he had gone through a lot as well, so it wasn’t just me rambling on and him being the supportive listener.

As we pulled into the ‘driveway’, Sam cursed under his breath. I looked up to see several other overly ostentatious cars parked nearby as well.

“Uh, who’s that?” I asked, a bit worriedly.

Sam sighed. “Those girls we were talking about earlier. The ones who aren’t part of the gang but come here basically for Nathan and to make trouble.”

I was quiet for a second, trying to remember that earlier conversation. “Oh, the sluts?”

“More or less,” said Sam. “Just watch out for them; they’re really vicious. Alex hates them. If I were you, I would just avoid them in general.”

I made a face as I got out of the car. Great, I didn’t want to deal with this. I was sure they wouldn’t like me, seeing that I wasn’t even part of the gang but was nevertheless staying here; near Nathan.

Nathan. It was annoying to hear how promiscuous he was sounding with every passing second. The player I was learning about from other people seemed nothing like the guy I had eaten a late night dinner with. Whatever. It wasn’t like I was going to just throw myself at him like he probably was expecting me to.

We entered quietly, trying to slip away unnoticed. Sam beckoned quietly for me leave upstairs or somewhere until the girls left.

I nodded and turned towards the staircase, when I bumped into someone with far too much cleavage showing.

“Whoa. Who are you?” Her voice was high and sounded super bitchy. I sighed. She was like some of the preppy people at my school who thought too highly of themselves when it came to other girls but didn’t give a second thought when it came to throwing themselves at guys’ feet for attention.

I looked up and stared squarely into her eyes. “Arianna,” I said shortly.

The girls smirked. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Madison.” She smelled strongly of perfume; it was making my nose itch.

She looked behind me and noticed Sam. “Sam! It’s so nice to see you darling.” She walked by me and pulled Sam in for a long hug.

I noticed, a little amused, as Sam’s arms stiffly patted Madison’s back a couple of times before resuming their original position at his sides.

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