Chapter 3

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I remember when my dad and I just moved in here after my grandpa died. The place wasn’t safe to begin with, though it was considerably less dangerous that it was today.

My dad decided it was his job to school me in what to do if anyone tried to kidnap me. Honestly, that’s all part of a parent’s teaching when you’re a kid.

You’re supposed to scream, kick, punch and lash out whenever you can.

You’re not supposed to talk to them or give them any reason to think that you’re helpless and alone.

You’re not supposed to accept candy from strangers or to help anyone in shady vans look for their pets.

And most importantly, you should never get into a car with them.

I, at a grown age of 18, had completely disobeyed like half of those rules. I had just been fucking kidnapped, and was not sitting in the back of a car.

Granted my hands weren’t bound, I could see where I was going, the car wasn’t shady to begin with and my kidnapper wanted to shake my hand. But still, in the loosest definition of the word, I had just been fucking kidnapped.

And I had no plan B.

After I refused to shake his hand, the driver frowned and turned around. The other dude gave me another glare then turned around as well.

They didn’t seem to give me much thought so I decided to break my way out.

I tried to unlock the side door. I pulled up the lock with my hand then quietly tugged at the handle. If it was locked, I definitely didn’t want them knowing that I was planning to escape.

“Honey, don’t even think about trying to get out.”

Crap. They heard me.

“We have a child lock on and even if you were able to unlock the door, you would just end up breaking your legs at the speed we’re going.” The guy in shotgun turned around and gave me a smug grin. I wanted to punch him.

I resorted to trying to give him my scariest glare; it honestly wasn’t very scary, I just squinted my eyes a little.

The guy rolled his eyes and turned around. He casually lowered his hands to his pocket and brought up a gun.

Making sure that I could see it, he nonchalantly twirled it around on his fingers.

I shrank back against my seat, my breathing getting more rapid. I was going to start hyperventilating soon.

The driver laughed and knocked the gun out of his accomplice’s hand. The gun flew backwards and landed in the seat next to me.

I shrieked, causing the driver to laugh again. He seemed the only one in the car amused by my predicament.

“Stop being an asshole Randy,” he chuckled. He turned around to me. “Don’t worry Arianna, that’s just a lighter.”

A lighter? Lighter my ass. Lighters were those rectangular things for cigarettes. What was the purpose in making them look like guns?

As if reading my mind, the driver reached behind and snatched up the gun. He flicked the trigger with a quick jerk of his thumb and a small blue flame appeared.

“See? No harm done.” He smiled at me and turned back to the road.

I bit my cheek, trying to process everything that had happened.

I hoped the signal had been sent to the nearest police station.

I didn’t even know if I had pressed the button at all. I was pretty sure that the signal hadn’t sent. I mean, shouldn’t I have been hearing some sort of siren at that point?

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