Chapter 22

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"Hey I'd like two vodka martinis." Logan reached over and spoke to the morose bartender working that night. The music was super loud, so he had to yell to be heard.

I had never heard of the drink he had named so I just nodded dumbly when Logan looked at me for a response. Whatever. Pretending like I knew what was going on wasn't going to hurt anyone.

I obviously wasn't 21. But Nathan was close with one of the owners and apparently the guy was indefinitely indebted to Nathan, so we got in through a back exit fairly easy. I had been really apprehensive about doing that because I was so sure we would get caught, but apparently Randy said that they had been doing that for months and nothing had happened yet. Of course, 'yet' being the key word there.

I really wasn't the partying type. I had probably had like one drink my entire high school career. Not even one. Like a few sips of a drink at the most. Yeah, that was a little pathetic on my part.

It wasn't my fault; I just never cared for the taste of alcohol. And the one time that I had tried a shot, I threw-up for like an hour after. It was horrible.

Victoria had helped me get back home that night and the next day, we decided to continue our high school lives without the help of drinks.

But I was in my 'who gives a shit' mood anyways, so when the drinks were ready, I grabbed the martini and took a huge gulp.

"Uh you probably don't want to—" Randy warned, a little belatedly.

The drink burned my throat and I slammed the glass down. I started coughing and pounded my chest. "What the hell is in that? Car gasoline?"

Randy smirked and shook his head. "You're not supposed to gulp the whole freaking thing down like a glass of orange juice or something."

"Thanks for telling me," I muttered, clearing my throat several times.

I rolled my eyes and took a tiny sip of the glass. Huh, it wasn't that bad in tiny amounts.

After I was finished, I set the glass down and motioned for another one. Logan raised his eyebrows.


I nodded, enjoying the fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

Logan grinned and waved the bartender over. "Two more of the same thing. And add in an extra shot of tequila into the first one."

I smiled, feeling strangely giddy. "Sounds good," I responded, eager to down another glass.

Once the drinks arrived, Logan and Randy raised theirs into the air. "To a good night," they said simultaneously with grins, as if this was something they routinely did.

"And lots of chicks," added Randy.

I laughed along and shook my head, feeling oddly happy. "To a good night," I repeated, noisily clinking my glass against theirs, smiling just as widely.


Arianna set the glass down after finishing it in a surprisingly short time. "Another," she managed to say.

I stared at her, not knowing if I should be concerned or impressed. Arianna didn't seem like the kind of girl who partied a lot, so this was probably her first or second time tasting alcohol.

When I first brought her here, I was 60% sure she was going to throw up. But here she was, taking in two glasses like it was no big deal.

"Uh," I said. "Maybe we should just wait."

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