Chapter 24

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I couldn’t believe him. I just couldn’t believe that stupid, fucking prick. Of course he would try to salvage the situation by turning it on us. Of course he would.

His words were still flashing through my head, his scathing message burned in my brain.

Nathan, what the hell are you doing? The deal isn’t off. Not at all. You don’t fucking screw us over like that.

And the worst part of the message of all.

I’m not stopping here. We’re coming for the girl. And I don’t give a shit what you want anymore. Consider your side of the deal off. I’m going to kill her.

Did Mike really think threatening us would get the job done? Hell, he had no idea how any of us felt about Arianna. We weren’t going to just hand her over on a freaking silver platter to him.

He was coming after her? Like hell he was. He was a complete idiot if he thought we were going to easily comply with that.

I clenched my fists together and paced around my room, angry thoughts swirling around my head. I was never, ever going to let Mike get to Arianna. Ever.

My thoughts suddenly flashed back to our kiss back in the museum, and a smile crept onto my face. It was a hell of a kiss. Arianna was a hell of a kisser.

She was a hell of a girl.

It just sucked that it all had to be cut short because of Mike’s idiotic plans.

I picked up my phone and texted Mike, my teeth clenched tightly together.

Leave the girl out of this. We’ll meet to talk this over. Be at the location in twenty.

Shaking my head, I pocketed my phone and headed out of the room to find the other guys to take with me.

As I was heading out the door, I ran into Arianna, who was looking conflicted.

I almost sighed; she obviously knew something was up. I hoped uselessly that she wouldn’t ask what was up; I didn’t want to lie to her.

“Nathan?” she asked, looking adorably concerned. “Are you alright?”

I relaxed my face, my expression neutral. “I’m fine,” I said, smiling. “Or I will be, once this mess is cleared up.” That was true. I didn’t have to lie to her on that one.

Arianna stared at me, trying to figure out what I was feeling. “Alright,” she said slowly.

She looked at the ground, a blush evident on her face.

I smiled. “What now?”

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