Chapter 11

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I checked my clock again for the fifth time in like less than an hour.

God, it was only midnight.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, wishing that I would magically grow tired.

My phone had no service where I was, so I couldn’t waste time on facebook or on any other online sites. Instead, I had to busy myself studying the bare walls and the plain blue comforter on my bed. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I had been this bored.

Only yesterday, my thoughts reminded me.

That was true, actually, before I had gone downstairs and encountered Nathan.

Maybe he was down there again, eating fajitas or doing whatever the heck he wanted in this huge place. He was a guy and a gang leader; it wouldn’t be dangerous at all for him to walk around alone at night.

I wanted to go downstairs, to enjoy a quiet stroll around the house. But the idea of bumping into Nathan again kept me locked up in my room.

As much as I had enjoyed our late night meal together, I didn’t want Nathan thinking of me as a nuisance. What if he hadn’t even wanted to hang out with me yesterday, and went only because there was nothing better to do? I didn’t want to force him to entertain me. And more importantly, I really didn’t want to look desperate and clingy like those girls earlier.

My anger flared at the thought of Madison.

I pushed away any lingering memories of her and lay on my bed, hoping to fall asleep.

Screw it, I thought resignedly. I was going downstairs, even if Nathan was there.

With a determined stride, I headed towards the door and swung it open quietly. Then making sure no one was around, I walked silently downstairs and checked to see if Nathan was there.

He wasn’t. I sighed a breath of relief and headed into the living room. This was one of the only rooms I actually didn’t mind walking in and out of. And besides, there was really nothing else to do but watch TV and lounge around on the expensive couches at this time of the night.

I was pretty sure Logan wouldn’t mind, if all the games were his, if I checked out a few of them. I flipped on a small lamp in the corner, one that cast dark shadows across the room then began searching through their collection of Wii games.

I didn’t recognize half of them.

“I never pegged you as the gamer type.”

I jumped and yet out a small scream, dropping the game I was holding onto my toes. I spun around and saw Nathan staring at me, his grey eyes glinting in amusement.

“Why do you always have to scare me like that?” I gasped, rubbing my feet in pain.

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