Chapter 27

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Mike's furious eyes glinted down at me.

Aside from being terrified out of my mind from seeing him, I was also a bit satisfied to note the redness that was appearing on his right cheek. Someone had gotten a good punch in obviously.

He deserved it. That asshole.

I casually moved my left hand behind my back, slipping my phone into my pocket. I wasn't about to let my only feasible plan get thrown out the window from Mike.

Mike didn't waste anymore time talking.

He grabbed my arm for like the billionth time that day and wrenched me upwards to follow him.

Then, jamming the barrel of his gun against my head he stalked forward, yelling loudly.

"Everyone stop what they're doing or I will fucking shoot her, I swear to God I will."

When he first began speaking, the room went quiet, Mike's voice booming.

I was going to start hyperventilating, I was sure of that.

I hated guns. So much. Especially when they were pointed at me.

Okay, obviously no one likes to have a gun pointed at them. But that was neither here nor there.

Right now, the one thing I could think of was that there was gun jammed into my head, and that I was going to die if I didn't think of something quickly.

Nathan's eyes were wide, his mouth open.

But I couldn't think about that right now.

The only thing I could feel was the cold, metal against the side of my head, painfully pressing in.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip, focusing on maintaining composure. It wouldn't do well for me to just break down and start screaming. Which was what was going to happen soon, if Mike didn't lower the damn gun.

"Drop your guns, now! All of you!" Mike was addressing Nathan, whose gun was back in his hand, pointing straight at Mike. There was an unreadable look in his wide eyes, his hands aiming the gun steadily forward, with no hesitation or pause.

Nathan stared for a long time at Mike, neither of them making any movement.

It seemed like hours that everyone was silent, doing nothing and saying nothing. I could hear my breathing fill the room, loud and ragged. God. I wouldn't be able to keep my composure if things kept up like this for another few minutes.

"Now!" yelled Mike, glaring at Nathan. He pushed the gun further into my head, making me wince.

Still Nathan made no movement, his expression determined and unwavering.

The rest of the gang was watching him, waiting for his word.

I didn't know what he was going to do. And that freaked me out.

Then Nathan relented, his shoulders sagging downward.

He tossed his gun forward, signaling at the others to do so as well.

As the sound of guns hitting the floor sounded, Mike grinned victoriously. "And the notoriously cold Nathan breaks finally."

He grinned and looked at his fellow gang. "Men, I believe we've found Nat's weakness."

Nathan remained silent, glaring stoically at the ground.

"Your weak link is this little girl right here," said Mike, shaking my arm for emphasis. "You don't want anything to happen to her, do you?"

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