Chapter 6

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A discussion about guacamole, half an hour argument about cats and several coke cans later, we heard a car motor from outside.

Judging from its super obnoxious sound when it braked and Sam's instant stiffening up, I assumed Nathan and his fellow cohorts had finally arrived from their meeting.

Instantly, I felt a little nervous.

I didn't know how I was going to spend a single night here, let alone a week with like a couple of girls and over five guys I had never met before in my entire life.

If my dad and I hadn't been in that kind of danger, there was no freaking way I would have ever agreed to this and been so quiet.

Well, I had been here for several hours at that point, and aside from Randy's stupid lighter twirl earlier, no one had actually pulled out a real gun and threatened me with it.

Yet, I reminded myself. Just because Sam was being all friendly to me did not mean that I should be letting my guard down.

I would stick around here for as long as I had to, doing the necessities and nothing more. I wasn't going to let my guard down anymore, though I personally knew that was going to be hard.

I mean, Sam had already managed to pull me into an hour long conversation about nothing, really. And I had let myself relax when talking to him.

Fine, I thought to myself. Other than Sam, I wouldn't talk to anyone else. I didn't want to spread my trust among too many people around here; that wouldn't be smart.

Especially Nathan. I wasn't completely sure about everything he told me, so I was going to try to poke holes into it. But honestly, Sam's earlier answers were pretty straightforward. And I really didn't see any reason for them to make up a random story just to have me live with them for a week. It just didn't add up.

I felt bad for Nathan, though I wasn't about to let anyone know that. He would probably just ignore me or, alternatively, laugh in my face about it. I didn't want either of the two to happen, so I decided firmly not to bring up this topic ever.

Anyways, I knew from the past that a guy like him was serious trouble, so I was going to do my best to avoid him especially.

Yeah, I wasn't going to let them come to my house tomorrow. I didn't want any of them knowing where I lived and I particularly didn't want to give that Mike guy a chance to follow us there.

Besides, seeing that Nathan was able to live in a really nice house without having to pay for it, I was positive that he would have some extra cash on him. I was sure that I could persuade Sam, if not Nathan to let me buy some clothes Downtown in one of those cheap thrift shops I had been to several times.

As the door swung open forcefully, I looked down and concentrated on breathing evenly to calm myself. It wouldn't do well in any situation if I passed out from asphyxia or something like that.

"How's the room, princess?"

I sighed at the stupid nickname. Honestly, I wasn't anything close to a princess. Like any of them would know even.

"It was nice," I said shortly. I didn't want to sound overly enthusiastic about the room but at the same time I didn't want to make him annoyed if I didn't like it.

Nathan nodded then looked at Sam.

"If we can finish by tomorrow, then we'll be done," he said, glancing at his watch casually.

Sam looked incredibly uneasy then shrugged and looked away.

"Finish what?" I asked impulsively and then clasped a hand over my mouth. I didn't want to talk anymore than I had to. Asking unnecessary questions was most definitely not what I had decided to do earlier.

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