Chapter One

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Quick Author's Note: I just wanted to clarify if you see this story on Quotev, it's because it's mine. I decided to post it here as well! I hope you enjoy! Thank you and Much love♥


I stacked the rows of toilet paper neatly along the shelf, and hummed to myself for the last hour of my shift at the local grocery store. I worked part time here during school, and full time when the Summer rolled around, just trying to save enough money to get out of this place after I graduate high school. 

“Need any help?” The usual deep and gruff voice that works by my side at the store asks. I shake my head softly and push my bangs back. 

“No, I'm good. Thanks Harry.” I tell him flatly. He acts like I'm incapable of doing the easiest part of this job. It's not like he ever asks to take my shift for bathroom duty, but he will sure as hell offer to stack toiletries.

“Okay.” He tells me before walking down one of the aisles and disappearing. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I knew that I was alone again. I don't know what it is about Harry that sets me off. Maybe it's his crazy addiction to tattoos, or the way he always fucks with his lip ring while he does work. Whatever the case, he bugs me.

I finished my shift, and got down from the ladder I was using to finish stacking. Just as I reached the last step, my clumsiness gets the best of me and I begin to fall back. Just before I feel like I'm going to hit the ground, strong arms catch me. I know these strong arms.

“Whoa, be more careful could you, Ali?” His sweet voice fills my ears and I immediately look up to see my gorgeous boyfriend, Liam. I laugh slightly before looking up to meet his eyes. The warm brown welcomes me and I feel my heart leap.

“I could try, but I don't know where that's going to get me.” I joke and Liam helps me to my feet.

“In that case, I might have to follow you around all day just to make sure you don't get yourself into anything like that again.” He smiles and motions towards the ladder.

“I could be okay with that.” I tease and Liam leans in, pecking me softly on the lips.

He pulls away before I could react, but I know it's because Liam isn't one for PDA in the work place. I don't mind much, I respect Liam, and wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable. As his eyes meet mine, I smile and shrug before pulling my hair out of the tight pony tail on the top of my head and walking back towards the staff area.

“I'll be right back, just going to clock out.” I tell him and he nods. When I get to the back, I hear people bickering with each other. I stop out of curiosity and listen for a moment.

“Is there any way you could switch her shifts so they don't match with mine?” One voice persists. Harry's voice actually.

“I'm afraid not, maybe you can talk one of your co-workers into switching a few of theirs with hers as long as she agrees as well, but as far as I'm concerned, not really.” The other, partially annoyed voice, answers Harry and that's when I decide I didn't want to eavesdrop anymore, especially because it sounds like they were talking about me.

“Hello.” I say calmly, grabbing my card, and swiping it through the small machine on the wall. Harry looks almost worried that I might've heard and the other male figure, who I now recognize as our supervisor, Joe, still seems annoyed. I sigh and put the card back in its place before turning around and seeing that they are both staring at me.

“What?” I asked annoyed. I hate being stared at when I look like shit and know it. I hate being stared at period, really. Joe looks away and heads out, nodding his head my way before turning the corner. Harry though, stays put and rolls his eyes.

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