Chapter Fourteen

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Saturday came along way too soon. I was dreading tonight, especially after the scene Harry mad at school. Everyone is going to be staring at us, and I'm not prepared for any of it.

“C'mon! Just go dress shopping with me, please?” My friend, Lauren, whines and I roll my eyes.

“I don't need to go.” I reply simply and she laughs.

“What are you gonna do, Ali? Go in jeans? Absolutely not.” She retorts and I sigh.

“I already have something to wear, Lauren, I'll be fine.” I comply and she huffs.

“Okay, fair enough. Just be happy that Harry freaking Styles asked you to formal.” She adds and I bite my lip.

“I know..”

After the phone with Lauren, I got up and went through my dresser drawers, looking for something comfortable to wear to work today. I smiled as I looked through my clothes, now that it will be fun working with Harry, I was excited to get back to work. I quickly found a pair of black leggings and a baggy light blue sweater, putting them on and looking in the mirror. I did my makeup and hair in record time since I was running late and headed out to my car, driving off to work.

When I got there, I parked my car and walked past Harry's car in yet, another handicap spot. As much as it pisses me off, I like Harry the way he is, and I wouldn't want to change him. I headed to the back room to clock in, running a hand through my wavy hair and opening the door. I smiled seeing Harry inside, drinking his usual cup of coffee and scrolling through his phone. He doesn't even look up to see me he's so entranced into his phone. I bite my lip and reach for my card on the top row of all the card holders. Of course, I'm short and I have to reach on my tip toes to even attempt to get it.

“I got it for you, baby.” Harry soft voice comes up behind me and presses himself into me, reaching easily to grab my card for me.

“Harry, don't call me that at work. We could get fired..” I mutter and push his front side out of my behind.

“Then don't wear this shit to work.” He fires back playfully and watches me clock in before he reaches around me and clocks in himself, putting both our cards back.

“I'm practically scrubbing it, Harry. This shouldn't turn you on.” I tell him, refraining the laugh that wants to escape my lips.

“You are wearing the thinnest piece of fabric I've ever seen over a lace thong and you're telling me that that shouldn't get me excited?” He retorts and I gasp, pulling my sweater lower.

“I didn't know they were that see-through!” I exclaim and Harry laughs, taking a step towards me, forcing his chest pressed to mine.

“You're asking to get fucked, right here, right now.” He mutters, nudging his nose against mine before Joe comes bursting in.

Harry quickly back up and looks up at Joe, who doesn't seem that suspicious. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. A part of me was thankful Joe cam bursting in because I didn't know if I could keep myself together much longer before I would just let Harry fuck me at work.

“Get to work you two, we have a new shipment of magazines I need you both to sort through and stock, bringing the old ones back.” Joe commands and I nod, purposely sashaying my hip towards the door, knowing Harry is watching me.

In no time, Harry is behind me.

“Cut the shit, I don't want to have to explain a hard on to my boss.” He grumbles in my ear and I smirk.

“I'm just walking to the magazine racks.” I say innocently and keep walking, Harry keeping up pace with me.

“You sit on a throne of lies.” He mutters before walking ahead of me and I take this opportunity to admire him. All the way from his strained back muscles, to his defined calves.

“I know you're staring.” Harry claims as we both sit down by the stacks of boxes full of magazines. I blush profusely, knowing I'd been caught. I don't say anything, only cut open a box and hands it to Harry.

“Here jerk, start sorting.” I command and he rolls his eyes.

Harry's POV

After work I went to the mall with Niall.

“I have no fucking clue where to look.” I told him, and shoved my hands into my pockets, following Niall.

“Just shut the fuck up and follow me.” He demands and I roll my eyes.

“Don't be a dick.” I mutter. I hate shopping.

“That goes for you too. Why didn't you do this earlier?” He asks and I shrug.

“Because I don't shop.” I watch as Niall rolls his eyes.

“What?” I ask, getting angry with Niall's annoying attitude.

“It's just ironic.” He replies simply and we walk into what looks like the most expensive shop for tuxedos I've ever seen. Fuck.

“What's ironic?” I ask reluctantly and check a price tag on one of the suits, my eye bulging out and I immediately walk away from that rack.

“Just you, or maybe this situation. I mean, Ali didn't want to go, and here you are: no longer wanting to go. You're kind of... stupid.” He mutters the last part but I hear him loud and clear.

“I'm trying to prove something, okay? It isn't just about going with her.” I grumble and pick up the cheapest looking tux here.

“Put that back.” Niall commands after ignoring my explanation.

“What.” I say flatly.

“If you're going to do this, you're going to do this right. Here.” He shoves a tux in my face and I catch it, looking at it and sighing.

“A bow tie?” I mumble and Niall smirks and nods. With that, I whine all the way to the fitting room.

Ali's POV

At seven o'clock on the dot, Harry knocks on my door.

“Fuck.” I mutter. Thinking he'd be late, I'm still brushing my teeth. Earlier, I went through all of my dresses that I keep completely hidden away, and found only one that I was okay with wearing in public. I refuse to wear heels, so I threw on a pair of combat boots, picking out my only nice, gold jewelry, and spent the most time on my makeup.

There's another knock on the door and I know Harry is getting impatient. I sigh, and finish brushing my teeth, putting on clear lip gloss and slipping my nose ring through its respective hole. I run down the steps and open the door just before Harry was going to knock for a third time. I felt my breath caught in my throat taking in Harry's appearance.

“Shit..” I mutter to myself, realizing that I may be slightly under dressed. Harry chuckles slightly and gives me a once over.

“You look incredible, Ali.” He compliments and I blush slightly.

“You clean up nicely.” I reply and he shakes his head. I can't stop staring at him. Harry is in what looks to be a very expensive tux with nice shoes and I'm pretty sure he's the only ma I've ever seen to pull off a bow tie and still look sexy. I gulp and try not to stare, but it almost becomes involuntary. His curls are pushed up off of his forehead and swooped slightly to the side, obviously combed through by his fingers. His piercings look newer and more prominent, especially his lip ring that he's constantly spinning between his fingers. Most of his tattoos are covered up, and the ones on his chest are coming through the white button up.

“ALI!” He yells before laughing when I finally snap out of it.

“Yeah?” I ask nervously, knowing he knows I was staring.

“Can you stare at me later? We're already late.” He jokes and I feel my cheeks flush a dark red as I slowly take his hand and follow behind him, heading for Winter formal.

(Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying the story! I wouldn't know because I don't get many comments. ;) Anyways, the gif to the side is what Harry looks like in his tux, but of course with tattoos, piercings, and that sexy bow tie! c: Also, click the external link for Ali's outfit! Lastly, thank you SO MUCH for 2.3K reads! It means so much to me! ♥ Okay, so sorry for the long authors note I just wanted to mention all of these things to you guys. Much love!♥) 

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