Chapter Seven

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I woke up early the next morning to an empty bed and my alarm ringing my head off.

“Fuck.” I muttered as I stopped the alarm and got out of bed. After all the events of yesterday, I forgot I had school today. I looked back at my bed in hopes to find a note or something from Liam considering he left without letting me know, but nothing came into view. I rolled my eyes and started getting ready for the day instead of dwelling on it. When I went to the bathroom, I couldn't help but smile at the note that I found left on the mirror.

“I didn't want to wake you since you were so tired, I'll see you at school, Love you baby. -Liam♥”

I smiled as I read the note over and over again before folding it and putting it in my pocket. It was a simple note, but Liam left it for me and he hadn't done something so simple and sweet in such a long time that it made my heart skip a beat.

I finished my morning routine and went downstairs, grabbing a banana and staring at it before putting it back down and grabbing an apple instead. I sighed and took a bite of it reluctantly. I hated apples. I don't know why, but the skin never chews well and I hate the feeling of swallowing it. The only reason I took an apple instead is because the banana reminded me too much of Harry and that stupid morning he was waiting for me outside to take me to school.

“Ali?” My mom's voice comes from the other room, and I roll my eyes. She's supposed to be at work.

“Yes mom?” I reply and she appears in the kitchen with a smile on her face.

“How are you this morning?” She asks, her voice too chipper today.

“I'm fine, I guess. You?” I ask, taking another bite of this disgusting red apple.

“I'm great! Ali, is that an apple?” She knows I hate them, and I shrug.

“I just didn't want anything this morning...” I answer her and she nods, not really caring about my fruit preference.

After the rest of my morning flies by, I go to school and head for my locker to put some of my stuff away. As I put in the combination, I feel a pair of arms wrap slowly around my waist. I smile, not needing to look to know who it is.

“Hey Liam.” I says softly, pulling my locker open and start to put books in there.

“Hey, beautiful, how was your morning?” He says before peppering soft kisses to my cheek.

I slightly blush before I can reply, “Uneventful. I ate a red apple and listened to my mom brag about her promotion, nothing great.” I laugh and Liam chuckles as he lets go of my waist and moves to lean against the locker next to mine.

“Sorry I left without telling you, your mom and dad came in and were going to yell at me for being in bed with you, so when they knocked I got up and acted like I'd been in the chair the whole time.” He explains and I can't help but giggle.

“Liam it's fine, the note you left me in the bathroom was more than enough.” I tell him and he smiles just as the warning bell rings.

“Good, I'll see you at lunch then?” He questions and I nod, giving him a soft smile.

“Okay, love you.” Liam kisses me softly before jogging off down the hall towards his class.

I walk to my class slowly, coming in, and sitting down in my usual seat for English. I love my English class, the teacher is fun, and most of the people are cool, so I'm not upset to be here.

“Ali.” I turn to whoever is calling my name, seeing that it's Cara, one of my close friends, I smile.

“Hey Cara.” I say softly and she comes and sits next to me, moving from her seat.

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