Chapter Six

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I sighed, shifting my weight foot to foot at my locker, waiting for a familiar face, Harry. Since he'd driven me to school, he had to take me home too, or someone had to at least because I have to change and get to work in less than an hour. I looked from my left to my right in search of him, still no Harry. It was the end of the day now, and even though the events from this morning were still fresh in my mind, and still made me angry at both Harry and Liam, I needed a goddamn ride.

“Ali.” Harry said as he carelessly walked up to me.

“Where the hell were you?! I'm gonna be fucking late to work, Harry.” I spit at him as we start to walk to the doors.

“You're not going to be late, calm the hell down.” He retorted and I rolled my eyes at him. How he could be nice to me one minute, and not even a second later his mood flips to dick mode, I will never understand.

“Just take me home, okay?” I told him, walking in front of him, towards his car.

“Why are you in such a piss poor mood today? Shouldn't you be happy Liam was all over you in public this morning?” He asked, his voice showing no emotion as he unlocks the door for me and himself.

For some reason, as I get in the car a pang in my chest tells me I'm not really mad at Harry, nor Liam really. 

“No, Harry. That's not going to solve our relationship problems if he shares a little PDA and dresses like a shit face.” I tell him finally as we pull out of the parking lot. Harry laughs before turning the corner carefully and replying.

“He did look like a shit face, I must agree.” I shook my head, looking out the window so Harry couldn't see the smile playing on my lips.

“Why are you so upset?” He changes the subject, keeping his gaze out the window at the road.

I debate on whether to really tell him, or just make something up.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I say simply and he seems to understand, or at least he doesn't press further. Not long after our awkward conversation did he pull up to my house. I thanked him quietly before getting out.

“See you at work.” I say, closing the car door behind me and walking up to my door, avoiding a glance back at Harry who I know was still in his car, watching me get to my door.

Once I was inside, I ran up to my room, throwing my bag on the bed and changing quickly into some more comfortable clothes for work, putting the necessary work shirt over my tank top. My mind was off, thinking about their exchange this morning for the millionth time. I just wanted to understand what they meant. I sighed as I laced my sneakers up and threw my hair up in a pony tail, grabbing my keys and phone before heading outside to my car.

I got to work just in time, coming in right at five.

“Hey Ali!” Sierra's high-pitched voice rings when I get to the messy clothes racks for the clothes that people don't want after they try them on. My head instantly pounds, a headache already brewing.

“Hey.” I say softly, starting to get clothes off the racks to put away.

“How are you?” She asks confidently, and I can't help but understand why Harry wanted to move her shifts around.

“Fine, thanks. And you?” I reply politely, and she goes into detail about her amazing day, making me want to scream.

By seven, I was ready to kill myself. I felt bad that Sierra couldn't make friends with me, and that I wasn't giving her the chance to even. But my head was spinning and I just wanted to lay down and escape life for a while.

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