Chapter Twenty-Four

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“I love you.” I whisper, looking up at his profile now. He begins to smile and I wonder what he’s thinking, and what I’m thinking, really. A blush begins to emerge on my cheeks as he turns to me in the empty hall we’ve found ourselves in.

“I love you, Ali. I’m not going to say ‘I love you too’ because I’m not just agreeing with you, I’m in love with you.” Harry finally replies, pulling me closer with every word. I hang on each word, following his hands pleas to bring me closer by eliminating the space between us and locking eyes with his.

“Promise?” I ask weakly, knowing that it’s very possible with Harry for him to be lying. He sighs heavily in defeat, reading my expression like pages of his favorite book, easily.

“I promise, Ali. Cross my heart and hope to die. I can’t lie to you anymore. I won’t lie to you ever again, you have to believe me.” He rambles and I can’t help the ever so soft smile forming on my lips.

“I do, Harry. I believe you.”

Ali’s POV.

“Then it’s official. We put what happened in the past and I give you everything you need.” Harry murmurs softly, closing the space between our lips and kissing me slowly. I kiss back, my fingers weaving their way into his soft hair, tangling themselves there, only pulling away when Harry continues.

“We get a room here. Stay with me, Ali.” He licks his lips, looking at me seriously and trying to be patient for my answer but I know Harry too well and his expression conveys impatience.

“I’m here with my family, Harry.” I try to make excuses for reasons not to do what I desperately want to. He sighs and rests his forehead against mine.

“Please?” He asks again so simply and I find myself lost in the pool of his emerald eyes.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stay.” I cave and rest my head against his strong chest, the smell of his cologne filling my nose and I can’t help but smile. I feel Harry hug me tightly back and I know that he’s relieved that we are finally making amends. Hell, I’m just as relieved myself.

“I love you.” He whispers into my ear, and no matter how many times I hear those words from him, butterflies still always erupt inside me.

“I love you, Harry.” I reply back quietly and take a long, deep breath. My parents were going to kill me. Mostly my mom because my dad is always busy with work. But no matter, I’m dead. And suddenly, I can’t help but smile to myself. The thought of rebelling against my mom and making her mad giving me a satisfied feeling inside. I missed this.

“C’mon.” Harry quickly interrupts my thoughts as he takes my hand and pulls me along to the front desk.

“Hi, a room for one night please.” Harry tells the man behind the desk, his deep voice so calm and filled with authority I doubt the man even questioned how old we were. Not that it really mattered. I watch as the man types quickly on his computer, tapping the mouse over and over until he’s finally finished.

“Name, sir?” The man says simply and I bite my lip, fixing my fedora slightly as I wait.

“Styles.” Is all Harry returns with and I grin at his response.

“Okay, here is your room key. I’ll expect that returned by tomorrow night unless you pay for another night. Your room is on the top floor, room 19-9.” The male tells us flatly and Harry nods, muttering a small thank you before dragging me to the elevators. I can’t help but giggle as I try to keep up.

“Slow down, Harry! Otherwise, I’m gonna fall on my face in these heels.” I tell him and he stops, forcing me to bump into his firm chest since I had no warning. I squeak quietly, trying to retain my balance, my hands moving to his chest to steady myself before I look up and meet his eyes.

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