Chapter 9: Friend-Killer Kakashi

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I was going on more missions than I ever have. Now that I had the chakra stone, I would always know how Kakashi was doing, and it made me feel better. Kakashi and I had been having dinner more often now, which made me happy. Sometimes we would stroll back to that secret place hidden in the trees near the stream, mostly just sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company. Our silence was never awkward, it was comfortable. I would gaze over to him and watch him lying in the grass with his arms behind his head, his eyes closed. I love this place. Everything seemed peaceful and at ease.

Kakashi had left for a mission early in the morning while I had a day off after my jam-packed schedule. I took my time today, and went down to the KIA stone with fresh flowers after having some breakfast. I replaced the old flowers with the new ones and kneeled by the stone. "Hello father, Tamiko-sensei, hello, Hiroji and Ishiro. I'm sorry I haven't been visiting much. I have been going out on a lot of missions. I'm here now, though. I was thinking about joining the ANBU, father, I know you'd support me with this. I haven't decided yet, though. I like where I am right now, but sometimes I feel like I want something more. Also, Kakashi got me this beautiful chakra stone, it has it's chakra in it so I can know how he is doing," I smiled as my fingers mindlessly found the necklace, "I miss you all. I wish you could be here to see everything. I'll be back tomorrow. I promise." I stood and walked into town. I wandered the streets. It was a nice day, the sun shone yet it didn't burn. I found an empty bench and sat, opening my book and breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the warmth and sounds of birds chirping above me. I stayed there, reading, not noticing it had become night. I quickly got back to my apartment and stared into my fridge. Not much in there, except for the bare necessities. I sighed. I wasn't that hungry, anyway, so I decided on tea. As I poured water into the kettle, I heard banging at my door. I was taken aback a little, but I went to open it. Kakashi stood there and I knew something was wrong. Again.

"You locked the door," He growled and stepped inside. "Sorry, Kashi," I hesitated, "Are you... Are you okay?" He sat on the couch and stared blankly at the floor. I watched him and sat next to him as he spoke, "Rin. She's... I... She's dead... Because of me." I didn't know what to do. He just lost Obito not too long ago, now another teammate is gone. "W-what do you mean, because of you?" I stammered. "I KILLED HER!" He yelled and clutched his head. "She... She was kidnapped by Kirigakure, they had made her a jinchūriki, they wanted for her to be saved so the tailed beast inside of her would attack Konoha... We were running and we got surrounded, I used my chidori, I was about to kill them and then she... She jumped right into my chidori. She sacrificed herself... To save the village... I killed her..." He cried, staring at his hands, "I promised Obito... I have failed everyone..." I kneeled in front of him and took his hands. He looked at me as I cried, "Kashi, it wasn't your fault. You didn't kill her, she killed herself. It was her choice and you couldn't have stopped it. She wanted to protect... You. And the village. She saved all of us by doing that. Don't blame yourself," I cried harder. I couldn't stand to see him in so much pain. He did not deserve this. "Please, Kashi, please," I kissed his forehead for the second time ever, "Don't do this to yourself. You know that it wasn't your fault. Kashi, please... I can't stand seeing you in this much pain," I kept my lips pressed to his forehead while I said that. "Being a ninja is hard," He repeated himself. "We're meant to endure pain, not bury ourselves in it. Rin wanted what was best for you, for Minato-sensei, for her village. You know that she wouldn't like you being sad over her doing what was right." I inched away from him, I didn't know if he was okay with me kissing his forehead, so I just sat back down next to him. "You're right," He said hoarsely after a while. "You're right, she wanted what was best for our village." He looked up at me, "You know, I really don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you. I would be pretty lost." I blushed and I hugged him. "You know I'm not going anywhere, Kashi."

"Katsi?" He asked after a while, "Hmm?" I answered, a bit sleepily. "Could I... Uhm... Could I... Oh... Never mind," He trailed off. "Could you what, Kashi?" He stayed silent. I looked up at him, "Do you want to stay here tonight?" He nodded once, "I just... Really don't want to be alone right now." I wriggled out of his embrace, "I understand, of course you can stay. But you're taking the bed, because I took yours last time." He laughed and nodded, "Alright, you win." I smiled victoriously as I went to the closet to get spare sheets for myself, as he sat on my bed. I placed the sheets onto the couch and came up to him. "Do you need something else?" I asked politely. "Actually, now that you mention it..." I looked at him curiously, "Do you remember what ended up happening when you slept in my apartment?" I nodded, "Yes, you hugged me and slept next to me because I was having a nightmare." "Well, I... I was kind of wondering if we could do that again... But if you're not comfortable with that, I completely understand." He looked flustered and I laughed a bit. "Anything to make you feel better, Kashi," I climbed into my bed and he followed suit. "Really, anything?" He said teasingly and poked my arm. "Oh, shut up, you perv," I playfully shoved him away from me. I still welcomed his embrace as his arms snaked around me.

I couldn't have asked for more.

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