Chapter 10: ANBU recruits

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I woke up and stared at Kakashi's sleeping face. I felt like I had gotten a good night's sleep in what felt like years. I watched my best friend breathe evenly. He look so peaceful and at ease. I was scared to move, I didn't want to wake him up. So I lay still, until I saw his eye flutter open. He looked over at me and gave me his one-eyed smile. "How did you sleep?" I asked him sweetly. "Good. Great actually," He answered and a smiled, "That makes me happy." I got out of bed, combing through my bed hair with my fingers and making my way to the kitchen, placing the kettle on the stove. I started to make a simple breakfast – scrambled eggs and toast, with the limited ingredients I had left in my fridge. Note to self: buy food.

I hummed quietly as I cooked. I emptied the pan of eggs onto two plates, placing a few pieces of toast onto them as well. I turned around to place them on the table, but the almost found their way to the floor as I jumped, Kakashi's face inches from mine. "Did you have to scare me like that? You could've ended up with no breakfast," I huffed. He ignored my remark and surprised me with what he said next:

"Join the ANBU with me."

I stared at him. How did he know? "You want to join the ANBU?" I asked and he nodded, "And I know you want to, as well. So let's join together! We could go on missions together, just like old times," He smiled eagerly at me, awaiting my response. "Yes, yeah, let's do it!" He hugged me. "Okay, let me have those eggs now, I'm starving," He said and I laughed. We had a cheerful breakfast, him turned away, though, of course.

We approached the Hokage's office. I inhaled deeply. "You ready?" Kakashi asked me quietly. I nodded. He knocked and we stepped in after receiving Lord Third's approval. "Ah, Katsumi, Kakashi, how can I help you today?" We kneeled and Kakashi spoke, "Actually, Lord Third, sir, we were hoping you would give us the clear so we could join the ANBU." He stopped his writing and looked at us. "I don't see why not. You are both more than capable for it. If it is really what you want, then it's settled. I will send note to the ANBU HQ and let them know. You can stop by there to get your ANBU gear and such." I grinned, "Thank you, Lord Third," We both said and backed out of the office.

I squealed, "We did it!" Kakashi hugged me, I was so happy that I would be able to be on missions with him again, after all this time. We went down to the HQ as Lord Third had ordered to get our gear. It was a dimly lit and depressing scene, I didn't really want to stay down here for longer than I should. The man at the opening in the wall gave both of us some gear, "Welcome to the ANBU. Lockers are upstairs," He said grumpily. "Thank you," Kakashi said and we went upstairs to find the locker rooms. We parted way as I stepped into the girls' locker room and he went into the boys' locker room.

I saw a girl with purple hair sitting on a bench, changing her boots, and another girl with black hair leaning against the lockers. Not many girls around here, I guessed. "Hey, you must be the new kid," The purple-haired kunoichi nodded at me. "Uh, yeah, hi, I'm Katsumi." I said. "I'm Yugao, this is Ayumi." I bowed my head a took an empty locker, putting my gear into it. My ANBU mask was... Actually, I wasn't quite sure. It looked like a half-bear, half-cat. I stared at it for a bit and put it in the locker. "Well, I'll be starting tomorrow, so I'll see you around," I waved goodbye to Yugao and Ayumi. I waited outside for Kakashi. He came out a few minutes later. "You know we have to get tattoos on our arms?" He said as soon as he came up to me. "I've heard of that, yes. Do you know where they do that?" "Somewhere around the base, apparently." We went searching for the mysterious ANBU tattoo parlor.

"Hey, look at me, do I look cool yet?" Kakashi flexed his arm muscles where the new tattoo gleamed. He winced a little. "The tattoo still hurts," He pouted and I laughed. I was glad that I didn't have to tell him that he looked cool. He was getting more attractive by the day and it was slowly killing me. We were both almost 14 now, and I didn't want to think of how much better-looking he would get as we got older. I was helplessly in love with my best friend, and he would never return those feelings.

Our first mission as ANBU was a pretty simple and standard execution. We both enjoyed our time in the ANBU, going on missions almost every day together. I was grateful that I was spending almost all the time we had with him. And, just like the old days, we made each other dinner every other night.

Years passed like this, I was happy, and it looked like Kakashi was happy, too. I was 20 now, and Kakashi was 21 (he was older by 8 months), and now I could be certain about my feelings. I was in love with Kakashi Hatake. My best friend. He had become an attractive young man, a bit more buff but not too buff, his hair was still as amazing as it used to be, but I found myself looking at it differently than before. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him, to run my fingers through his hair, to tell him what I truly felt. I sighed to myself. It was very early in the morning, and I couldn't sleep anyway, so I got up and went to the KIA stone. "Hello father, Tamiko-sensei, Hiroji and Ishiro. I couldn't sleep so I wanted to stop by and say hello before I left for my mission today. I wanted to let you know that I still love Kakashi. And I've come to love him so such more than I used to. I didn't even know that was possible. I really wish he felt the same way. Anyway, I should probably go wake him for our mission. Goodbye. I miss you." I left and made my way to Kakashi's apartment, knocking on his door. He opened and smiled his closed-eye smile. "You ready?" "Always am." We went to get our ANBU gear and leave.

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