I Am Not

12 3 0

"Why aren't you following the machine!?"

"Because I'm not a robot,
Programed to you.
To you, the privileged.
I'm not a puppet,
And you
Are not
My puppeteer.
I write my own story.
You don't tell it for me.
I am not a Machine,
Not a program.
I am not what you want me to be.
You can not control me.
I am not afraid.
I will not let fear control me.
I'm not perfect.
I have a life outside of this!
I have a life!
I'm living.
I'm breathing.
I am human.
I am not a robot,
Programed to you
To you, the privileged.
I am not a puppet,
And you
Are not
My puppeteer"

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