A Failed Poem

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I don't know how to write it without giving it away
But I need to do something
And this is all I can think
So hopefully I do it right
Unlike all the other times

You're being torn apart
From the inside
Maybe from the outside
You're living in a hell
Cold and dark

I try and try to help
It hurts when you don't listen
I try and try to help
But my words have little impact
On something so strong

Yes there's more than one of you
I'm scared of what's to come
And somehow in my mind
My job is to help
Even when my broken words mean nothing

I know what you fear,
And you're not the only one
You're already living in the cold lonely place
And I just got away
I try to help

But I'm probably no help at all
Look my poem is failing
But this is all I got
I hope it's good enough for you
Because for me it's not

There's no way this can help you
And I know no way to rewrite
So I'm stuck here knowing
This will only make things harder
And it's dragging me down

I hate how that works
It's my fault
You can't blame yourself
So don't try
It's my fault

And now the poem has really failed
Maybe I should stop
I just don't know if
My fingers will do it
And so I continue

And all I want you to know
Is I love you
You can do this
You are stronger than you know
And braver than you think

I love you.

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