Love Timer

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I have three hours left to fall in love
They all say it's true, all my friends
They now have found
What they call love
I only wear it so they won't pester me
Saying I will never find love without it
But it will not leave my mind
Is love now a program?
The time flows by
Swift as a river
I just hope it can change direction
But I know it's not possible
So maybe it's true.
Love is not meant to be real
And this feeling I've had towards my family and friends
Is nothing
But all these lies catch up
Are others really meant to be
When they only cause each other pain?
I have two hours until I can
Take this form of brain wash off my wrist
I twist it
And my nerves tingle
As I start to belive the lies
My time has almost come
Love has become a program
Nothing more
I continue on
Can it be true
Like I said before
It was a lie
Can it be real?
One hour left
I'm itching to
Unclip the latch
Thirty minutes left.
I'm stuck
Hardly able to move
Thirty seconds
Something surged within me
My heart knew it was a lie
Meeting eyes with a man
It wasn't real
But I said hello
I ripped the watch away
Knowing the program would move on
But this had to be real
I told myself
I wouldn't believe it
But here I was
And I soon found it wasn't true
These feelings were false
But the program went on
He grabbed my wrist months later
Where the timer once sat
It itched now, wishing he would let me go.
But the program went on.
Something surged within me Something hit me then
My mind collapsed
Because his arms no longer
Wrapped around me in protection
Those eyes no longer the ones
Who reached me the moment my timer stopped
Not knowing that that
Was the end of my freedom
The program goes on
I'm stuck
I can't believe
I fell into this

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