Chapter 3 - Dont be Silly

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~Justin's POV~
Justin stopped at the edge of the woods looking into the dark trees that seem to go on forever. Of course the world wasn't trying to punish me... it was trying to get me to wake up. He felt hands on his shoulders which made him jump.
"Justin," Damon said out of breath.
Justin started to run but Damon grabbed his arm.
I looked around wide eyed, surprised at his tone.
"Look I know what you heard and now I think I know what the screams your parents told me about were, and it's not like that. I'm trying to get close to Raegan because he means so much to you and Rae called me so he could help you. We would never, ever hurt you Jay." He said.
I breath in the words he just said to me. I knew I was just in my head so I walk towards Damon and hug him tight.
"I'm sorry," I whisper muffled into his jacket.
"Don't be silly," Damon replies.
I look back at the woods and have a slight smile. We walk home and through the door when we hear music coming from Damon's phone sprawled on the floor. I pick it up and there's Raegan playing the piano and singing a love song. I smile at him and he smiles back. We keep looking at each other until Damon complains about his batter percentage. I mouth for him to call me and he nods.

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