Chapter 4 - Minnesota

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~Reagan's POV~
I zip up my carry on and sigh in relief that I'm finally done packing. Tomorrow was the day. That day I would see my baby again and get to hold him in my arms. I checked the clock and it was getting pretty late so I turn my light off and go on my phone once in bed. I open some snapchat stories and notice a very cute boy with a very cute smile captioned," Tomorrow I get to be in my happy place."
I love him so much. I send him a picture of my self and go to bed preparing myself for the greatest day.

~Justin's POV~
I woke up an hour before my alarm, practically jumping out of bed. Today was the day I see my baby again. I got dressed in seconds along with eating breakfast.
"Justin, you know we still can't go to the airport till noon. Going faster doesn't change anything." My dad told me.
"IKnowImJustReallyExcited" I replied
"Jesus Justin," My brother exclaimed. I took a couple breaths and then just stood there looking at them like nothing happened. My dad pulls out his phone as I stand there holding back my energy. I hear the record button go off but choose to ignore it.
"Hey Justin"
I look at my dad and tilted my head.
"Reagans coming today"
I couldn't hold it back any longer I run around the room and dance around.

~Reagan's POV~
"WOOOO HOOOOO" Justin says as he's dancing on the table. I got the notification as I was getting into the car to head to the airport. He's so cute. I was dancing on the inside as well. I got in the car as my mom insisted to drive me. It was finally happening.
We get to the airport and I hug my mom goodbye. I walk in, go through security, find my gate... as soon as I hear them call for Minnesota I'm practically already in my plane seat.

~Justin's POV~
I got to the airport an hour earlier then I should have. I ended up getting a gate pass and waiting for him there. I wanted to be the first person he saw in Minnesota.
I was watching music.lys on my phone when I started seeing people exit the entrance to the plane. I stood up and scanning the faces until my eyes landed on one. Tears escaped my eyes as I ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

~Raegan's POV~
I wasn't ever letting go. Ever. I put him on my back and he rode that way to baggage claim. I felt this head in the crook of my neck and I was happy. Once we got to the car I kissed him passionately.

~Justin's POV~
I kissed him like I never have before. He's mine and I'm his. I don't ever want to lose that. We get in the car temporarily separating our hands. I find my way out of the maze of cars with Raegan's hand on my thigh. Happy.

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