Chapter 8 - Don't

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~Justin's POV~
We both wake up to the alarm. We don't say anything. The only movement would be me getting closer to the crook of his neck and him wrapping his arms around me. After a few minutes he picked me up bridal style into the bathroom and got changed, barely taking a hand off of me. There was silence. Not because we were mad, because we knew that once we started talking we would have to start saying goodbye. He took my shirt off and pressed his ear against my heart. I felt his eyes start to tear up so I grabbed his chin and kissed him. He took his sweatshirt he slept in and off and over me. It was warm and smelled just like him. I smiled a weak smile. We walked out hand in hand seeing a note in the kitchen.
"I'll be there at 10 to drive Rae and J to the airport -Kale"
I look at the clock. 9:30. Years star rushing down my face.

~Raegan's POV~
He starts to cry and I can't stand to see him cry so a couple tears start to fall from me as well. We knew this wasn't going to be easy, but we love each other so much that there's no way we could let each other go.
"Shhh. Baby it's okay" I tell him. He buries his head in my sweatshirt and feel himself shake his head.
"Hey, look on the bright side. Kale gets to stay with you for a couple more days!" I say trying to psych him up.
"HELLL YEAH I DO" Kale says from the door.
Justin looks up at kale with a horrified look and then at the clock. We were thinking the same thing.
Too. Soon.

~Justin's POV~
We walk outside to the car. Raegan opens the door for me but I violently shake my head. I push him in the front seat and then sit on top of his lap.
"Okay if y'all weren't so cute I would say no but I'll get a ticket for this any day."
I felt Raegan chuckle under me. I held him tight. His arms around my waist because he knows it makes me feel safe. I haven't spoken to him barely at all.
I whisper in his ear," I love you so much." He looks into my eyes, not at, in. I snuggles up in his sweatshirt I would keep forever and just laid there, in his lap, forgetting the future.

~Raegan's POV~
As soon as the car stopped in the parking lot Justin jerked up and almost started crying. I shook my head at him. Kale was quiet with us understanding. We all walked into the airport together and found our way to my gate. My hand never left Justin's. He would shake every once in a while but I would squeeze his hand and he would be fine. We got to the gate double checking to make sure it's the right one. They call boarding almost immediately.
"DANG WE WERE RIGHT ON TIME" Kale exclaimed.  I flash him a look and he got the message to walk away.
I put my hand under Justin's chin and make him look up. I wipe his teas and kiss him like the day I flew in. I didn't care who was looking, who judged, I cared about him. I hug him one last time.
"Last call for Maryland"
I grab his hand squeeze it and walk off with an I love you.

~Justin's POV~
"I love you," he said and then he turned around and walked towards his gate. I feel hands on my shoulders. Kale. I look at he gives me a comforting look. Tears start forming in my eyes as they say "One way trip to Maryland last call" one way... one way... plane... bye... no... hope....
I start to shake but he's not here to squeeze my hand or embrace me. My breathing becomes faster and faster. Kale becomes worried and farther and farther away as the ground becomes closer and closer.
"RAEG-" I hear before silence.

~Raegan's POV~
"RAEGAN!" I hear kale yell as soon as I enter the hallway to get to the plane. I turn around but they closed the doors before I could see them. The worried tone in Kales voice echoed through my head. I take out my phone and message him before-
"Sir please turn off your phone until we are safely in the air," the flight attendant stated bluntly. I sigh and nod and turn off my phone. I look through the window to the airport and see medical assistance. This doesn't help calm me down.

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