Chapter 7 - Your Day

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~Raegan's POV~
I wake up with him in my arms. Last night was a blur, but I knew what today was... our last day. School was starting up again for me. I knew he would be a mess once he woke up so I set a reminder in my phone to surprise him with food and take him to a movie. I stay laying next to him and watching his stomach go up and down in a peaceful motion.

~Justin's POV~
Plane, flying, bye, no, where, hope, lost, plane, flying, bye, no, where, Hope, Lost, PLANE.
I woke up in a scream just like that night with meh nightmare and without him except I did have him. He jolted up. I started to ball. Today was it. The last day I would see him. Tonight was out last night he could hold me. Plane... he wrapped his arms around my waist knowing what was wrong, he rocked me. It was calming.
"I'll be right back," he said getting up.
I grab is sweatshirt sleeve.
"Please don't," I say instantly.
He wiped he tears from my cheeks and kissed my forehead gently.
"I'll be back," he says again laying me back down and kissing me on the lips.
I grab my phone and start looking at tweets.
"Jaegan gives me life"
"Jaegan is forever"
"Long distance relationships never work out"
More tears stream down my face. I curl up into a ball until I hear a familiar ringtone.
"Hello?" I say sniffing.
"Shh babe it's okay I have a very important question."
"What?" I say sitting up.
"If somebody we're to surprise you with food, what would you want?"
"Awww! Taco Bell please"
"Okay, I love you baby boy"
"I love you too"

~Later that Day~
"NO! How could she tell the whole crowd she's Miley and not Hannah!" Justin exclaimed.
"Jay I think we're getting too into this" Raegan replied.
"I warned you to not let him watch Hannah Montana." My dad said.

~Raegan's POV~
I was happy it was distracting him. He had very detailed tear stains by the time I got back and it just broke me. I didn't want to leave him... but I had too.

~Justin's POV~
I have to be strong, I can't let him see how much I'm hurting. I knew he would have to go. I would probably be having a full blown anxiety attack by now but at soon as my breathing speeds up his embrace tightens. What am I going to do without him. He's created the perfect goodbye day. Taco Bell, movies, stars, him. But I know that tomorrow won't be so perfect.

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