Chapter 14 - Deja Vu

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~Justin's POV~
I wake up and hear Raegan in the shower. I was about to get up and join him when his phone goes off. I look at the text and can't find a breath. I re read it over and over again.
"Raegan, I'm pregnant with your baby" -Nancy
The amusement park nurse... why wouldn't he tell me. He's been lying to me for more than a week. Why would he have sex with another person and not even be honest about it... he must have liked it. He cheated on me. Why does he even have her number??? He's a cheater... I put my head in my hands. Something hits my forehead... a ring. The promise ring. I hear the water of the shower stop. I take off the ring and run.
I run for a mile back to my house.
"I thought you were coming this weekend?" My dad says as soon as I open the door. I run to his arms balling.

~Raegan's POV~
I get out of the shower to check on Justin but I don't see him. I check the house but he's not here. I go to call him but instead I find his ring. I instantly become confused so I turn on my phone to call him.
"Reagan, I'm pregnant with your baby." -Nancy
Oh my freaking god.
The room becomes dizzy so I sit down on the bed. I get a call from Nancy...
"Hello.." I say in a quiet voice.
"Hi Daddy."
"You can not call me that"
"Why. I got what I wanted and now your with me forever"
"What about your girlfriend?!"
"There is no girlfriend! God keep up."
"I don't have to take care of you. You made me delusional"
"Oh yeah?"
*sends video clip of Raegan asking for it*
"you are mine Raegan Beast"
"What about Justin?"
"He's out of the picture"
"He will believe my story"
*sends screenshot of her sending him the full video*
I hang up the phone. How did I manage to mess this up?  How. How. How.

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