Chapter 11 - Fun, fun, and fun?

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~Justin's POV~

I walk up slowly enjoying every moment of seeing him. For the first time I smile. He runs up to me and picks me up and spins me around.

~Raegan's POV~
He smiles and by the look on his dads face he hasn't done that in a very long time. I hug him and he instantly becomes lighter.
"Happy birthday baby boy."
I set him down as he looks at a Cotten candy machine and then back at me. Back and forth whith big puppy dog eyes. Justin's dad walks over to me and hands me some money.
"You boys have fun," he said then started to walk back to the car.
"Alright come on,'cotton candy cart let's go" I tell him. He runs over like a little kid.
"Hey, and also to help you get you out of your funk, I planned a meet and greet at 3 so we could meet a couple of fans before we leave"
His smile grew wider as he stuffed his face with a pink cloud on a stick.
We give them our tickets and head in. Justin gets excited every time he sees a rollercoaster but remembers I'm not a roller coaster person. We end up riding a few gentile rides but Justin's jaw drops as soon as we exit the carousel. I look before us and there's this huge, fast roller coaster. I grab his hand and walk towards it.
"You really don't have to Rae," He told me.
"I'll have you the whole time," I say smiling.
We wait in line and eventually get on. My fears start to come back to me but Justin holds my hand just like I do for him.

~Justin's POV~
I kind of regret making him go. He looks so nervous. It starts off slow and I can feel him relax but once we start to incline, I can see his face start to tense up. I rubbed my thumb tracing his palm. Once we go start going down I see a little bit of a smile from him. We go on one loop and he still seems fine. I stopped worrying about it and enjoy the ride myself. It isn't until we started to go backwards he clung to me like a baby. I wrapped my arms around him trying to soothe him.

~Raegan's POV~
Justin walks me to the nurse where I can lay down.
"I'm so sorry baby," he told me. I shook my head and caressed his cheek. Soon the nurse came in with an ice pack to help my headache.

~Justin's POV~
I felt weird about the nurse ever since she walked in. She keept stroking Raegan's arm. I promised him I'd try to not get jealous after the Damon dreams. He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded my head he quickly roll over to the trash can and thew up for the third time.
"I think it's time to go home Rae," I told him rubbing his back.
"No babe the meet up," he said still hunched over.
"Darn it. You can't stay here... we can tell them it's off they will understand."
"People were driving two hours just to meet us"
"Well hey I can take him home," the nurse said from the other side of the room. Raegan looked at me concerned and I couldn't help but look worried.
"It's okay I can go-" Raegan's started
"It's okay, I have a girlfriend," she stated. A weight lifted off of my shoulder. I check my phone. 2:45.
"I should go," I tell him. I look at the nurse and she smiles. Once she's looking I plant a big kiss on Raegan's mouth and walk to the stage for the meet and greet.

~Raegan's POV~
I knew he would want to take me home but I also knew he would trust me.
"So what's your name?" I ask the nurse as she helps me up.
"Nancy, what's yours?"
We walk to the back of the nurses building and find a car.
She follows my directions and helps me inside to Justin's room. I sit down and say thanks you.
"Don't say thank you yet" she pins be down on the bed and starts kissing me.

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