Voltron High ;))))

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"Last hour of the day. All I have to do is finish this class and I'm done for a week." Keith whispered to himself.

"Keith." The teacher called on him. Keith lifted his head from his  text book and hummed in response. "Come here. Just real quick." She said, waving him over to her desk.

"Yeah Mrs. K?"

"You're failing this class." She sighed, pointing to his grade.


"Oh- umm. I-Is there anyway to get it back up?" Keith asked, worried he might not be able to pass this year.

"The only option is you get a tutor." She said, turning to him and looking him in the eyes.

"T-that sounds good, thank you." He said, going back to his seat.

The rest of the class sat in silence while doing their class work, but Keith couldn't focus.

"The only option is to get a tutor."

He's never worked well with people. What if it's a stranger? He hates meeting new people.

Or worse.

What if it's Lance.

Lance, the only good looking guy in Keith's grade. Yes, Keith was in fact gay. Lance, was not. Lance was the type of guy who could get any girl. Hell, half of the guys would date him if they could. Everyone who has asked to be his partner, only got rejected.

Even the cutest girl in school, Allura.

"Keith." He heard his name and snapped back into reality. His teacher was standing next to him.

"Yeah?" He said, gathering his stuff after noticing the bell had rang.

"The tutor is here." She responded, pointing to a tan boy across the room with his bag slung over his shoulder.
"I'm sure you two know each other."

"Y-yeah. I know him." Keith said as the boy walked over.

"Hey, Keith!" The boy said sitting across from him.

"Hi Lance." Keith said, avoiding eye contact with the boy.

"You two could head to the library. I have to leave." The teacher said, packing up her things.

"Let's just go to the library." Keith said, grabbing his things and walking to the library.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Lance asked, catching up to the other boy.

"I don't know. It's a habit when I'm nervous." Keith responded, slowing down a little. 

"Why are you nervous?" Lance asked, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Because. You're Lance! The cutest guy in school! What will people say when they see us hanging out together. I-I can't deal with people talking about me!" Keith started saying.

"Awww, you think I'm cute?" Lance smiled. Keith sped up again. They walked into the library and sat down at one of the tables. Lance sat next to Keith, making sure to get close.

"Okay. Could you help me with my homework for today? I didn't quite understand it." Keith said, digging in his bag.

"Yeah, sure thing." Lance said. Keith set the paper on the table and slammed a pencil onto the table.

"It's hot in here...." Keith said. He grabbed the hair tie from his wrist and pulled his hair into a ponytail.

Hold yourself together McClain.

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