Modern au

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I've been watching too many D.C. shows.....
Aka the Flash and Supergirl

Also Young Justice was my entire childhood I had a hUGE crush on Martian Manhunter's niece (I forgot her name, Meghan??? Idk) YES EVEN THEN I HAD A CRUSH ON FICTIONAL CHARACTERS STAHP JUDGING

ALSO I got stabbed by my sister (it was an accident) but it went through my right hand, aka my dominant hand and I'm in so much pain.

(I'm writing this about maybe 3 weeks after lmao procrastination is my middle name, but it still hurts :') enjoy I guess)

Anyways, let's get on with it :)

Keith was sitting in his apartment, alone, with his cat. He was laying on his couch as he heard his cellphone begin to ring from its place on the coffee table. He grabbed it, and read the messages from a few of his friends in a group chat on Kik

Pigeon: KEITH
Lance Mcmeme: HEY KEITH
Space Dad: HEY BRO
Chunky Hunky: BROTATO CHIP
Pigeon: did hunk just say brotato chip ???
Lance Mcmeme: I think so ???
Keith KoGAYne: What'd you guys want???
Lance Mcmeme: KEITH!
Pigeon: i am having a sleep over and i was wondering if y'all wanted to come? ??
Lance Mcmeme: I'm in
Keith KoGAYne: I'm in
Pigeon: also, no making out (Lance and Keith)
Pigeon: but I did

Keith set his phone down while rolling his eyes. He grabbed his charger and his car keys from his coffee table. He walked over his cat, who meowed at him.

"Hey, you're going to be okay alone. You're great." Keith smiled at his baby. "Be good, girl." His cat meowed again in response.

"Bye, Blue."


Keith pulled into his younger friend's driveway. He noticed that Lance was already there, along with Hunk, who didn't live that far from Pidge's house.

Keith knocked on the door and Lance answered it.

"Hey, good-looking." He smiled. Keith rolled his eyes and walked in.

"Is it Allura or Keith. You give the same nickname to too many people, Lance." Hunk poked his head out from the kitchen. "Hi Keith." Hunk smiled.

"Hey, Hunk. What's shaking? Sorry, that's lame." Keith smiled.

"You're lame." Lance stuck his tongue out at the smaller boy. Keith walked over to him and put a finger to his chest. "Don't test me, bitch."

"You can cut the sexual tension in here with a fucking blade." Pidge said, appearing behind Keith, who snapped his arm back, accidentally hitting the small bird.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Pidge shouted, grabbing their stomach.

"I'M SO SORRY PIDGE," Keith started as he turned around, seing his small friend in a plain blue shirt and a skirt.

The nonbinary smiled to him. "It's fine, it happens." They shrugged. "I got new clothes! You wanna see?" Pidge asked their best friend.

"Of course!" Keith smiled, making he two other males smile.

Keith headed to Pidge's room to check out the new clothes. Keith and Pidge were very close. They appreciated each other's presence and had become best friends very fast.  They bonded over small things, like needing out over the same things and bonding over mutual hate for people.

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