What's this? Another highschool AU?

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Quick note before I start, I'm sick and typing fast so please correct me on any mistakes. I'm also not wearing my glasses, which I need to see, so that's worse I guess lmao

Oh I also use They/Them pronouns for Pidge so nobody gets upset. Don't correct me on that because I know what I'm doing.

Also I'm up at 4/5 in the morning listening to the Voltron theme on repeat so...

Keith has been living in Canada for a while, in fact, this is the longest he's lived in one place. Today was the Mark of one month before the last day of school.

"Hey Keith, did you see the new kid?" His best friend Pidge asked as they pointed to a tall, olive skinned boy.

"Oh boy. He's cute." Keith sighed.

"Right? He's perfect for you." Pidge smiled. But it quickly widened as they saw the new kid walk over to Keith. Keith had his back turned and his earbuds in, so he didn't notice the boy sat next to him. Pidge grabbed Keith's phone and ripped his earbuds out.

"Hey, I'm new here. Can you show me around? Someone was supposed to, but they didn't show up." He said. "I'm Lance by the way."

"I-I can do that." Keith grabbed his phone back from the smaller teen and started walking around the school with Lance, pointing out important rooms and hallways.


"Hey Keith?" Keith heard someone call as he walked out of the school with Pidge. Keith turned around and saw Lance.

"Hey Lance. What street do you live on? You could walk with us if you want." Pidge smiled.

"I live on front street." Lance said, standing next to Keith.

"So do I." Keith spoke up.

"Really? Okay awesome." Lance smiled. "Hey Keith, do you think you could help me with my math homework?"

"Yeah, sure." Keith smiled.

They walked home in silence until they got to Lance's house.

"Can you stay here and help me?" Lance asked. Keith nodded and they stepped inside.

"It's been a day and Lance already has a boyfriend." An older girl yelled.

Lance and Keith spoke at the same time. "He's not my boyfriend." Lance said, And "I'm not his boyfriend." Keith sounded annoyed.

"We can go in my room." Lance said, taking his bag off of his shoulder and walking up the stairs to a long hallway filled with rooms for his siblings. He stepped inside a room with a blue door.

His room was decorated with posters and flags. One thing Keith noticed was a few pride flags laying around.

"Are you a supporter?" Keith asked, picking one of the little flags up.

"Nah. I'm part of the club." Lance smiled as he pulled out his homework. Keith stared at Lance, mostly in disbelief but he was focused on dat ass.

"Keith," Lance called as he turned around. "You ready to start?"

"Start wha-oh. Right. Yeah." Keith stopped staring at dat nice ass and pulled out his homework.

"Keith, thanks." Lance said, pulling Keith in for a hug. Keith hesitated, but returned the embrace, which only lasted for a few seconds before Lance surprise attacked Keith.
(Lmao surprise attacked)

Lance gently placed his lips on Keith, not smashing them into Keith, but it was as if Lance was asking permission.

And the only way Keith knew how to answer was kissing him back.

"Great job little bro." His sister yelled as she passed his room as she made her way down the hall. Lance pulled away to yell at her, but Keith couldn't wait any longer because he's a little whiny BITCH.

He grabbed onto Lance's shirt and pulled him into another kiss, one that seemed more forced than before, but it was good. Keith enjoyed it because he was making out with a hot dude. It's his dream come fucking true. He also like it because Lance's tongue was in his mouth.


That's the end. I'm tired and I feel like I'm going to puke so I hope y'all had a great time reading this trash,

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