Flower shop AU

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Lance took over his family's business. A small little flower shop in town. His displays were the best in the county, and people from all over came to see his famous displays. Most were filled with blue flowers, like irises, larkspurs, French hydrangeas, etc. he loved them. He liked mixing them with white flowers sometimes.

He makes a decent amount of money from this small shop, over $5,000 a month after taxes. He has a nice house by the flower shop, with a really nice garden in the front yard.

When the boy was working during the summer, all day shifts, he noticed someone walk in. They had the most beautiful hair, their hands looked so delicate, their face looked fragile. When they spoke they made it seem like the world wasn't at war with each other.

"Hi. I'm looking for a really nice display for my boyfriend." They said, placing their hands on the counter.

"O-oh. Here, you can pick one of these." Lance said, showing them the displays of his blue and red flowers.

They picked one, smiling when they picked the pot up. They placed the money in Lance's hand and left the shop.

Two long, busy months later passed. No sign of the nice person with the nice hands.

Then, one faithful day, they walked in. They looked sad, they looked as if something serious happened.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked them as they approached the counter.

"He broke up with me. He said I wasn't good enough." They said.

"That's the worst!" Lance said stepping from the counter and embracing them in a hug.

This other person had a huge crush on Lance. They smelled his apron, inhaling the scent of sweet flowers. They felt safe in his arms. They felt like the rest of the world isn't there.

"Well," Lance started. "Here's my number if you need anything." He patted their shoulder and smiled. His smile was like the rest of the world was at peace.

"Okay. I'm Keith by the way. I'm gay, as you can tell from my rainbow sweater my ex gave me." Keith sighed.

"I'm Lance. I'm really open about my sexuality. I'm pan, But I lean towards guys a lot."

Keith smiled and said goodbye to Lance. Once Keith got home, his dog started barking. He has a really sweet three-legged pit bull. She was the sweetest thing. Her name was Red, because even though she was brown, when Keith got her two months ago, she looked ginger.

Lance had a little budgie named blue because he was, well, blue. The budgie was one years old on New Years. How convenient. Now he doesn't have to remember the date.

Keith decided to text Lance.
K: 'hey, when does your shift end?'
L: 'Right now. I'm closing the shop lol'
K: 'wanna get some coffee?'
L: 'Sure, I'll meet you where?'
K: 'the park :)'
L: 'K, I'll see you in about 10 minutes then.'
K: 'see you then'

Keith slid his phone into his pocket, then changed into his nice sweater with the NASA logo on it.

He walked down the sidewalk towards the park. He was genuinely excited. He really liked this boy. This boy made him smile and he didn't want anything from Keith yet.

Eventually, Keith got to the park. Lance arrived not long after.

"Hey." Keith smiled to Lance.
"Hi. We getting coffee?" Lance asked, smiling to the shorter boy. Keith nodded and they walked down the sidewalk.

They stepped into the coffee shop, inhaling the sweet smell, and then stepping in line.

Lance ordered an ice coffee, and Keith ordered a vanilla latte. They enjoyed each other's company, and Keith decided to make a move. Keith intertwined their fingers, and continued to listen to Lance's story.

They soon agreed to walk the other home. Whoever's house came first they got to go home first. Keith and Lance lived on the same long road, but a few houses apart. Keith's came first, and Lance walked him up to the door.

"You can come inside if you'd like." Keith smiled to him.

"Okay." Lance accepted the boy's offer. Lance stepped inside, seeing the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Red. Red was the light in Keith's life. The three-legged pit bull ran to Keith. Keith opened his arms as if he were giving someone a hug. He wrapped his arms around her body, picking her up and smiled.

"This is Red. She was born without her fourth leg and nobody would adopt her, but when I saw her, I knew I had to adopt her right then. She can't walk up stairs, jump on couches, and all that stuff. I just carry her around." Keith shrugged.

The pit bull licked Lance's face and Lance's face beamed with joy.

"This is the best thing ever." Lance chuckled, petting Red's head and ears.

After a while, the two boys were practically inseparable. Keith got a job at the flower shop, they moved into Lance's house, with the really nice displays in the front yard. Lance's budgie was excited because of all the attention he got from Keith. Keith had always found birds interesting.

Red had a little ramp so she could climb onto the chair in their living room.

They were happy together.



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