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Have I mentioned I fucking live for Steven Universe?

Anyways, HERE YALL GO!!


A lonely Lapis gem sat alone on a rocky planet called "Earth." They helped terraform it, they should be proud of what they did.

This one wasn't.

They allowed the life on this planet to be enslaved by the diamonds, who they hated.

They didn't allow love, or fusion.

What was he going to do? He loved being a gem. He loved his abilities. His gem type was usually very loyal to their ruler.

Not this one.

He was made for something different.

He had a purpose.

That purpose was to become part of the rebellion.

Rose Quartz was the leader. She was wanted by the diamonds of commuting a crime so bad, she was to be shattered.

Or worse.

Back to Lance's story.

Lance was a Lapis, left alone to decay on a planet with humans and other organic life. He flew over the planet he helped make. Not happy with what he started.

He then flew over the crystal gems.

They had an army bigger than he had ever seen.

Hundreds of thousands of gems from all types of kindergartens. There were Quartz soldiers, nobles, warriors, even a sapphire and Ruby fusion!

Lance was happy.

He had found his people. The people he belonged with.

But, he found most interest in a certain Red Spinel.

He called himself Keith.

He was a lovely gem, with hair so silky, even Rose herself was jealous. He was beautiful. His gem was placed on his right bicep.

Lance loved this boy, he wanted to dance with him and sing with him forever.

But Rose made sure they were always separate in fear of another permafusion.

But, she couldn't keep Keith and Lance apart forever.

They were sent to Korea, to keep the diamonds off of Earth.

They fused.

And they loved it.

Their fusion was iolite.

They were stable. They were calm. They were a mixture of all of the good things of Keith and Lance.

Until the others found out about another fusion.

They bombarded them with questions until they couldn't handle it.

They unfused and swore to never fuse again, unless necessary.

They didn't dance ever again.

They didn't hold hands, in fear of becoming iolite again.

They couldn't.

They wouldn't.

They grew so far apart, they barely knew each other anymore.

They would pass each other sometime and look longingly at the other, but they never touched.

Until one faithful day at a temple.

They were attacked, ambushed if you will.

They fused.

It was amazing.

Their fusion was stronger, now knowing what it was like for them to be apart for so long. They decided to stay like this.

No matter what.

The diamonds came.

They saw the fusions.

They were disgusted.

They told their soldiers to shatter these gems at once. The Quartz soldiers obeyed.

Iolite had to flee. They grew their wings and flew away.

They flew until they couldn't see earth anymore.

Blue diamond had gotten rid of all of her Lapis soldiers and kept them on homeworld, away from destruction and fusion and love.

Lance wanted to show the other Lapis gems what he had become.

He couldn't.

He wouldn't.

He had to stay fused with Keith.

He had to protect this boy no matter what happened.

So he did.

He was poofed tons of times.

He came back as a new Lapis, who wouldn't get hurt.

One who was indestructible.

One who would make iolite unstoppable.


They fused.

And have stayed that way for thousands of years, hoping to be set free so they could see each other again.

Im so sorry you had to read that trash.

BUT ANYWAYS, pls vote and comment and follow and all that sHIT.

It's 2:40 in the morning help pls.

K byeee

-Mad dog lmao

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