College party AU

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It's the au where they're going to college to become astronauts lmao

Lance's POV

I sat in my dorm, studying for an exam, while there was a party going on at my friend Shiro's house.

All of my friends were there, having the time of their lives, while I'm stuck here because my ride didn't show up.

About 2 hours later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lance?" I heard my friend Pidge say. They poked their head in and smiled when they spotted me at my desk. "Hey buddy, you ready for the party?"

"You said you'd pick me up at 8:30." I put my notes away and stood up.

"Yeah?" Pidge said, placing a hand on their hip. "It's 8:40."


"Let's go." They sighed and pulled me to their car.


We arrived at the party, and I saw the guy I've been crushing on since I saw him during sophomore year in high school. We were now seniors in college.

"Hey Keith." I smiled towards the raven-haired beauty in front of me.

"Hey Lance." Keith smiled back. He opened the door and there was Hunk, one of my best friends.

"Hey Hunk!" I waved.

"Hey Lance! Nice to see you!" Hunk said, walking off towards the kitchen.

"When there's a Hunk in the kitchen, you know it's going to be a good party." Allura said, obviously drinking again.

"Allura, stop drinking. You're not you when you're drunk." Keith let out a chuckle.

"I'm not me when I'm sober!" She yelled back.

Keith was obviously maybe a little drunk, but here's what happened;

"Laaaance!" I heard Keith yell through the music. I walked towards him, and he smiled. "Heeey. So I was wondering, can you kiss good?"

"My ex girlfriend thinks so." I smirked.

"Okay good because you need to kiss me." Keith said.

"W-what?! Why?!"

"JUST DO IT!" He yelled, grabbing the collar of my jacket. So I did the only thing I could think of.

I kissed him.

What would you do if the person you liked asked you to kiss them?! You would have done the same!

"Wow! You are a good kisser! Thanks Lance." Keith kissed me quick once more, then patted my chest and left
to hang out with Pidge.

I don't know what came over me, I just did what my brain told me to. I walked over to Keith, and when I got to him, I grabbed his arm and took him to the spare room in Shiro's house.

"Lance?" Keith sounded confused. I locked the door and walked towards him, with the dumbest smirk on my face. "Y-you're drunk Lance." Keith stuttered.

"Keith, can you kiss me again?" I asked him, holding his hands to my chest.

"Uhhhhh....sure?" He responded. He stepped up onto his toes and traced my jawline with his fingers. He then kissed me and I smiled into it, which I think made him smile as well.

When we pulled away, we both blushed and smiled.

"How was that?" He placed his hands on his hips.

"It was amazing." I laughed. He then did something I personally didn't expect, but I'm not complaining.

He kissed me again, only this time, the kiss was actually filled with something. It was filled with lust.

Oh yeah. Keith wants it.

I moved down to his neck, and he grabbed my hair and blah blah blah. He was a moaning, beautiful mess.


Oh boy.

Then he grabbed my collar, again, and pulled off my jacket.

He pulled off his jacked.

He pulled off our shirts.

So we were standing there.

Half naked.

Just staring into each others eyes.

"Lance." Keith said, tracing my jawline again.

"Hm?" I hummed in response. I didn't want him to move, we were already so close.

"You ready to go all the way?" He whispered in my ear, which brought me chills.

"Hell yeah." I smirked.

I don't want to describe it, but it was amazing. He was beautiful in a way that I can't describe.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"GO AWAY." Keith managed to say in between moans.

"IM SO SO SORRY." Shiro laughed in response.


I woke up, feeling Keith's arms around me, hugging me closer to him.

"Hey, babe." I shook him.

"Hmmm?" He looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes.

"I'll go make breakfast. K?" I sat up, getting my shirt on.

"Aww, but what will I do?" He pouted.

"You could water the plants, play with Leo, help me cook-"

"I'll help you cook!" He smiled.

We made our way downstairs, our three legged dog, Leo, came racing towards us as we walked to the kitchen.

"Hey buddy!" Keith smiled, squatting down to pet the pit bull puppy.

"C'mon Keith." I smiled, holding out my hand to him. He grabbed my hand and we made our way to the kitchen.


IT WAS KINDA TRASH IM SORRY BUT I HAVE 2 AND 1/2 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT. Yes, we get out on the 14th, yes, our last day is a half day, and yes, we do still have exams.

I haven't studied lmao.


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