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I apologize in advance.

It's 5:00 in the morning lmao


I rushed out of the school, feeling exhausted. I needed to get back in the water. No distractions. I might actually die.

Okay, lets back up. I am literally half fish. Bicolor Angelfish if you will. I can't be out of water for too long or I start dying. Seriously. I might actually die if I'm out of water for long periods of time. (When I typed periods it autocorrected to Peridot lmao)

I ran to the beach, hoping to see some really cute guys. I didn't, sadly. All I saw was old people sunbathing. Disgusting.

I quickly threw my stuff somewhere in the sand, diving into the ocean.

I glanced down at my tail and saw what I can describe only as true beauty. I mean, have you seen angelfish? They're fucking gorgeous.

I can only name one other thing that's more beautiful than angelfish. And that is a beautiful man named Keith.

He is just like me, except he is a shark. A beautiful silver tipped shark.

I know, I can't handle his beauty either. He will never know how much I love him.

"Hey Lance?" I heard Keith say, and I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Are you ava-" He was going to saw something, but I cut him off.

"Keith I love you. A lot." I grabbed his hands. "Do you like me back?"

"Lance," Keith face palmed.


"We've been dating for 3 years. We live together."

"I know. Do you still like me back?" I smiled.

He kissed me quick, then smiled again.

"Of course"

"How do fish people have sex?"

"Lance. Stop."

Klance Oneshots {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now