Galra prince!Keith Altean prince!Lance

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Lance was the heir to the throne of the Altean empire. He was also currently sitting in the garden, trying to clear his head. The whole thing was stressing him out, so he needed to take a walk among the flowers.

"What are you doing out here?" He heard one of the servants, Pidge, ask.

"I'm trying to clear my head. Father was talking to me for hours about silverware. Can you believe that?!" Lance started holding his head in his hands while he paced.

"All this royalty stuff is getting to you head, and your stressing out way too hard. You should hold a party of some sort so you can meet new friends." Another one of his servant friends, Hunk, suggested. "Of course you don't have to."

"No no...that's exactly what I'll do. Thank you Hunk!" Lance beamed. He ran down to his father's office and knocked.

"Come in!" He heard his fathers voice through the closed wooden door. His father was currently discussing battle plans with their ally, the Galra.

"Lance, you know Zarkon." King Alfor said to his son, motioning for him to come closer.

"Hello Lance." Zarkon said, expressionless.

"Zarkon brought his son, Keith." His father revealed a beautiful prince...with a mullet.

"Hello." Keith turned towards him and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

And at that, Lance's heart melted. He knew his father brought this prince just so Lance could have someone. The young prince was a mess, he absolutely had to have the galran heir as his own.

"Why doesn't Lance show you the garden? It has beautiful flowers from all over the galaxy. It's Lance's favorite spot to go when he's upset." The king smiled.

"Yeah, why don't I?" Lance smiled, "Let's go."

The two princes walked in silence to the large garden placed by Lance's bedroom. Lance opened the big doors and started showing Keith all of the amazing flowers.

"These are beautiful." Keith pointed to an Altean flower. Immediately, Lance went on and on about the flower, explaining its homeland and heritage.

Soon, Pidge and Hunk came to the garden, hoping to get Lance to go on a walk with them. Of course, they didn't expect to see the galran heir and Lance walking hand in hand around the garden.

"Lance." Pidge called out. Lance pulled his hand out of Keith's and quickly turned around, red and smiling awkwardly.

"Oohhh! Lance has got a boyfriend!" Hunk yelled. Lance hushed him.

"He's not my boyfriend! I don't need the press turning something around. What'd you guys want?"

"Oh, we just wanted to check up on you. Ya know?" Pidge smiled. "Make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine, thank you for checking in." Lance smiled. He motioned toward the boy beside him, "This is Keith, prince of the Galra empire."

"Thank you, but I can introduce myself. You two seem wonderful." Keith said, still looking at all of the flowers and topiaires.

"Whelp, well leave you two alone then." Hunk smiled and winked towards Lance, who rolled his eyes in response. The two friends then left the royals behind in the garden to chat some more.

"Thank you for showing me all of these. They are beautiful. We don't have gardens like this on Daibazaal. We don't have anything like Altea does, actually." Keith sighed.

"That's unfortunate." Lance said, chuckling after, "You know, you're the only Galra I've met who's not a complete ass. I like you."

"Not a complete ass? What's that supposed to mean?" Keith placed his hands on his hips.

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