Coffee shop AU

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Keith walked into the shop, inhaling the scent of strong coffee (which was way different than the air outside in the cold Canadian winter) and walked to the counter, his daily routine. He was met with the pretty-eyed Cuban boy who worked there.

"Hey, Mullet." The Cuban boy said, leaning against the counter.

"Hi Lance. Get me my usual." Keith said, sitting down.

"You got it." Lance said as he started making the drink. Keith sat patiently, waiting for Lance to return with his drink. Lance returned with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, I'm having a party tonight. You're invited. Here's my number, text me later, okay?" Lance said, sliding Keith a paper after his coffee.

"Sure. Okay." Keith smiled. That day, Keith walked out of the door with a rare smile on his face.


Keith pulled out his phone when he got to his apartment. He messaged the number, first asking if it was Lance.

'Of course this is Lance. You going to the party??'


'Great. Show up here, (Place address here lmao)'

'Awesome. Seeya later'

'Bye :)'


Keith pulled into the driveway, seeing multiple cars.

"Oh boy..." Keith said as he approached the door. Lance answered and invited him inside. Lance showed him around, before going back to his place on the couch with at least 4 girls that wanted to make out with him.

"Keith, come here." Lance waved him over. Keith sat uncomfortably on the chair next to the couch where Lance was. "I want you to meet Brittany. She's super into you, and she's available!"

"Lance," Keith started, but stopped when Brittany sat on Keith's leg. "Lance. I'm gay."

Everyone went quiet.

"What?" Lance looked to the boy.

"Lance. I'm gay." Keith repeated. "You know what? I should go."

"Keith, Wait." Lance ran after him as Keith ran for the door.

"Keith, I'm in love." Lance said, following Keith to his car.

"Yeah, with four girls." Keith said, unlocking the door and sitting on the seat.

"No Keith." Lance said. Keith slammed the door, crossing his arms. "I'm in love with you, Keith."

"Excuse me?" Keith opened the door to the passenger side for Lance.

"Keith," Lance closed the door after he stepped in. "I'm pansexual."

Lance started playing with his fingers. They stayed silent, this was a big deal for Lance. He just came out to the person he had a crush on.

"I knew I had to be when you walked into the shop. Before that, I didn't believe in 'love at first sight' but thanks to you, I do now." Lance said, "I also realized I was like, half gay."

"Why'd you just come out to me? You barely know anything about me." Keith felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"I want to though." Lance put his hand on Keith's. Keith looked to Lance, and Lance made a move. He leaned right into Keith. Their lips met and moved in sync. Keith moved one of his hands to lance's cheek, and Lance's hands moved to Keith's waist.

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