Hogwarts AU

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All the first years stood in line, waiting to get sorted. Among them, Lance McClain, Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson (Katie Holt), and Tsuyoshi "Hunk" Garett.

Pidge was next in line, hoping to get the same house as her older brother, Matt, which was Ravenclaw. Lance hoped to get the house all of his older siblings had, which was Gryffindor.

"Katie Holt." Professor McGonagall announced. They went to the stool.

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted without hesitation.
Pidge hopped off of the stool and joined their brother.

"Lance McClain!"



"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted after a few minutes of silence.


Keith sat at the Slytherin table, not knowing anyone there. He sat in silence, watching the tan boy in Gryffindor, Lance? Was that his name? He wasn't sure. All that he knew was that he was super gay for that boy.

"Hey, Keith, right?" A tan white-haired Ravenclaw asked.

"Y-yeah." Keith answered, not knowing who the girl was.

"I'm Allura, that over there, is Pidge. They really want to meet you." She smiled. Pidge was behind her smiling and waving.

"I-okay?" Keith stuttered, following the tan girl to talk to this person he didn't know,

"Hi! I was wondering if you and that kid in Gryffindor are a thing? You keep staring at him and his cute little butt." They said. Keith blushed and shook his head, looking at the Gryffindor kid who was talking to one of the third years, who looked like him.

Suddenly, the tan boy turned around and saw Keith staring at him. He started walking over to him and smiled to him.

"Hey, I'm Lance." The boy wanted Keith to shake his hand. Like hell Keith was going to make contact with him. He was already a mess being in the same room as him.

"Keith," He said, trying not to make eye contact. "You're probably too popular to care though."

"Hey, look at me." Lance lifted his chin so Keith was now looking into the others eyes. "I'm not popular. Yet"

Lance left, giving Keith a wink before disappearing into the growing crowds.

"Seeya later pretty boy" Keith heard Lance say before walking off.

"Keith." Someone poked his shoulder.

"What?" Keith asked, turning to the source.


"Oh hey Lance." Keith said, hugging his things closer to his chest.

"How's the first day going for you boys?" The head of the Gryffindor House, Shiro, asked.

"Pretty good." They both answered.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Shiro." The older one stuck his hand out for Keith to shake. Keith gladly took his gesture.

"I'm Keith."


"Pretty boy! We keep meeting, maybe it's meant to be." Lance said as the two boys walked out of their potions class.

"Maybe it is." Pidge said, appearing next to them. "Oh, guys. This is Hunk."

"Hello!" The Hufflepuff said. They walked together, talking about various things.

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