Chapter 1

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"Do you have to go?" Christina asked.
"Yes, I have too" Ross replied.
"You promised you wouldn't leave me Ross!"
"I'm sorry.... I'll come visit and stuff!"
"Ross, it's time to go!" Mark yelled.
"I'll be there in a sec!" Ross yelled back.
Christina was almost in tears.
"I guess this is goodbye...." Ross said, sadly.
"Yeah... I guess it is...." Christina replied.
Ross pulled Christina into a hug.
"Hurry up, Ross!" Rydel yelled.
Ross pulled away from the hug and grabbed his bags.
"Text me when you get there" Christina said.
"I will!" Ross replied.
Christina watched Ross walk out the door to meet up with his family and into the car. Right when they left she broke down in tears.
~End of flashback~

Christina's POV
I woke up to my alarm that's blaring in my ear, I turned it off. I checked my phone to see if I got any texts from Ross but I didn't.... Maybe he's just too busy with Austin and Ally. I've been texting Riker lots and he told me that R5 went on a couple of tours. After awhile of replying to some of my friends I decided to get up and get ready for school. After doing my morning routine, then I went into my room and threw on whatever.... I was too lazy to pick out an outfit and its Friday.... I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to place it by the door then I went into the kitchen.

"Morning mom!" I said.
"Morning sweetie!" Mom replied.

Mom set down a plate of pancakes in front of me.


After eating, I picked up my bag.

"Bye mom! Love you!" I yelled.
"Love you too!" She yelled back. "Remember to pick up Aiden when schools finish!"
"Yup I will!"

I put on my converses and walked out of the house to meet up with Abigail and Ash.


I finally got to school, I went to my locker and grabbed the things that I need and went to my classroom. I am not looking forward for the first period.... goes by so slow when there isn't any of your friends in that class.


Finally its the last period of the day! My teacher assigned us a project to do over the weekend.... I rather start it now but my teacher didn't give us class time to do it! There is 20 minutes of class left and that's when he assigned it. At least we get to work in groups! My group is Ash and Abigail.

~20 minutes later~

It is the end of the school day, I went to my locker and out some stuff away then grabbed the things I needed over the weekend. I also need to ask Ash and Abigail if they want to start on the project cause I just wanna get it done! I decided to meet up with Ash since his locker is closer to mine and Abigail's locker is on the last floor of the school.

"Do you wanna start on the project today?" I asked.
"Sure" Ah replied. "When?" "After when I pick up Aiden"
"Okay, I will just tag along with you"

I nodded.

"Sorry that I took so long!" Abigail said.
"Its okay" I replied. "We are gonna start on the project after when I go pick up Aiden, wanna come?"
"No, I need to do some stuff but I will be at your house later"
"Okay, then see you later!"

Abigail left while Ash and I went to Aiden's elementary school.

Ross's POV
Ever since my family and Ellington moved to California, R5 got signed to a record label, and I have been on a show called Austin and Ally. Everything has been great since I moved out from Littleton, Colorado! I didn't want to but I had too.

(A/N- Wattpad stupid, it deleted this chapter! I know that there are a lot of time lapse in this chapter, and this probably isnt a good chapter either......)

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