Chapter 10

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Ross' POV

I quickly ran down stairs, almost falling.

"Where's Christina?" I asked.

"Out with Rydel" riker replied. "Why?"

I didn't answer but groan, I ran back up to my room and grabbed my phone so see if I still have Christina in my contacts and she was! I quickly texted her.

To Christina

What time are going to be home? I need to talk to you like now.

From Christina

I'll be home in 10 minutes. Is it important?

To Christina

Uhh yeah

From Christina

Okay, I'm heading home know so see you then

I turned off my phone and waited like 5 minutes since I don't know where she is.

After awhile, I started walking towards Christina's house. I crossed the street,

knocked on her door and her mom answered it and showed me where Christina's room was.

I stood at Christina's bedroom door, I was nervous. But it is best to get it over with so I knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her say.

I opened the door and slowly walked in.

"Hey Ross!" Christina said. "Just wait a sec"

I nodded while she turned back to her laptop and told her friend that sounds like Abigail that she has to go.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" Christina asked.

I told her everything and how I felt back that I forgot her. The good thing is that she forgave me and she also wasn't mad at me.

Christina's POV

"Do you remember Ash and Abigail?" I asked Ross.

"Yeah" Ross replied. "Why?"

"I think they have thing! They were acting weird when I Skyped them earlier"

"Call them back! Like now!"

I ran back to my chair and sat down, then I opened my laptop and started calling Abigail back again. While Ross was being him silly self, he decided to sit on me then grabbing another chair.

"Really Ross, Really" I said.

Ross just chuckled. When Abigail picked up, I motioned Ross to be quiet.

All you can hear on the other end was "babe, can you pass me that blanket? Thank you" it took awhile for her to realized that we connected.

"Did you guys just hear me say that?" Abigail asked.

"Maybeee" Ross replied.

"Ugh fine! You guys caught me!"

Me and Ross high fived and left Abigail confused.

"Wait you guys knew?" Ash asked.

"Well I knew" I replied. "But Ross didn't but how long have you guys been keeping this a secret?"

Abigail muttered something that I couldn't hear.

"Come on Abigail! Tell me!" I said.

"Like three weeks before you left..." Abigail replied.

"And you didn't tell me why?"

"Cause you'd think I'd pick Ash over out friendship! I don't wanna lose you!"

"If you guys told me sooner you wouldn't have to lose this friendship but I guess you guys did! I thought we promise to tell each other everything but I guess someone broke the promise"

With that I ended the call.

"How could they?" I asked on the verge of tears.


I need your guys' help!

I honestly don't know how far Christina's and Ross' friendship will go (that sounds wrong but I didn't know how to word it)

Comment down below and tell me if you want Ross and Christina's friendship to become a relationship

(I can't word things today)

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