Chapter 36

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-2 weeks later-
Ross' POV
We all filed into the tour busses and headed off to Florida. This time it was me, Christina, Rocky and Abigail in one tour bus and Ellington, Rydel, Riker and Ryland in the other.

"We should all do something" Abigail said.

We all ignored her and continue to do our own things.

"Hello did you guys not hear me?" Abigail said annoyed.

We still ignored we and she stomped off and came back with a guitar.

"Play something for me rocky" Abigail said and shoved the guitar in his face.

Rocky grabbed the guitar and placed it beside him.

"Why isn't anyone listening to me?!" Abigail yelled.

I signaled Rocky to pass me the guitar and I took Christina's hand to the back room.

"Oh my gosh this is gonna be a long ride!" I said.
"Yeah I know! Abigail follows Rocky everywhere" Christina replied.
"She's a stalker"

Christina laughed at my response.

"Lets try to find something to do" Christina said.

I smirked and slowly moved towards her.

Christina's POV
Ross smirked and slowly started to move towards me.

"Ross no!" I said while I moved away.

I ran towards the door but Ross blocked the door, Ross threw me over his shoulder and placed me on the couch.

"Don't you dare!" I said.

Ross' hands slowly traveled to my sides and he started to tickle me.

"R-Ross! S-stop!" I managed to say.
"Never! I'm the tickle monster!" Ross replied.
"No your not!" We heard Rocky say.
"Ever heard of knocking?" Ross asked while pulling me up.
"Nah, I don't like knocking"

Rocky closed the door and sat down.

"Abigail is annoying the crap outta me!" Rocky said "she's like, lets do this lets do that"
"Did you guys know that she hasn't contact her mom or dad?" I asked randomly.
"Seriously?" Ross replied.
"Yup she's reported missing"
"How do you know?" Rocky asked.
"It's all over the news and Internet" I replied.
"Wow" they both say in shock.
We were halfway through the show and Abigail was saying she's bored and annoying the crap out of me. She wanted to ditch the show just to go to shop or whatever she wanted.. She's such a supportive girlfriend.

"Come on please?" Abigail whined.
"If you want go then go by yourself!" I snapped.
"Okay.. Gosh"


Sorry for the short chapter, I don't have any ideas :/

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