Chapter 25

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Riker's POV (surprise! Lol I will add other POVs if I need to)
"Maybe I should move back to Colorado, it doesn't feel right here anymore" Christina said in between sobs.
"No you shouldn't" I replied "what would Ross think if he figured out you went back to Colorado?"
"He wouldn't care"
"Yes he will, he would be devastated!"

Christina looked up at me me like I was crazy. I pulled away from the hug and took Christina's hand and headed yo her bedroom.

"Listen" I started "I'm not suppose to tell you this but.."
"But what?" Christina asked confused.
"He likes you, you promise not to tell him I told you?"

I can tell Christina was shocked.

"Lets continue cleaning the house" I said changing the subject.

She nodded and we headed down to the living room and started picking things up. After cleaning, we rearranged everything.
Christina sat down on the couch and sighed, I can tell that she was tired. We spent half of the day cleaning and it's like 7:30 right now.

Christina's POV
When Riker told me Ross liked me, I was in shocked. I've been thinking and I do have feelings for Ross but I just haven't told anyone yet. I should go talk to Ross, I didn't mean to tell at him earlier.

"Lets go to your place" I blurted out randomly.
"Okay" Riker replied.

I quickly ran upstairs to grab my phone then I ran back and put on my converses and started walking with Riker.

"Can you tell Rocky, Rydel, Ryland and ell that I'm sorry for earlier while I talk to Ross?" I asked.
"Sure!" Riker replied.
"No problem"

When entered the house, I took off my converses and ran up to Ross' room. I knocked on the door. Ross looks up from his guitar and back down, I can tell he doesn't want to talk to me.

"Ross, we need to talk about earlier today" I said while sitting beside him.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I should've known that we shouldn't be fooling around your house" Ross replied while putting his guitar beside.
"No, I should be sorry, these pass couple days has been hard for me. That's why I wasn't replying to your texts or calls"
"What happened in the pass couple of days?"

I sighed and told him what happened.

"Move in with us then!" Ross suggested.
"I don't know...." I replied.
"Come on, please?"
"I'll think about it"

I laugh. All of a sudden Ross' smile faded, I got worried.

"I have a song that I wrote for a girl" Ross said.

I felt sad when he said that.

"And I want you to hear it and tell me your opinion on it" Ross finished.
"Um, okay" I replied trying not to sound sad.


As you guy can tell I try to update twice a day sometimes, it's for you guys' enjoyment.
Actually.. I'm gonna be honest, I know some of you guys vote on my story but since you guys don't comment I feel like you guys aren't enjoying my book.
I know I should have said something earlier but I didn't :/

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