Chapter 29

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Christina's POV
I slowly started to wake up and started slowly getting off the bed so I won't wake Ross.
I quietly went down the stairs and out the door to my house. When I got home, I did my morning routine. After awhile I hear my phone buzz, I walked towards it to see Ross texted me.

From Ross
Why'd you leave me 😢

To Ross
I'm sorry 😘
What do you want me to wear for our date?

From Ross
Something comfortable!

To Ross
Okay, see you at 7

I looked at the time before locking my phone, 10:30 am.... Ugh what am I gonna do for another 9 hours?!
After awhile my phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID and it says unknown.

-phone call-
Christina- hello?
????- hey Christina
Christina- who is this?
????- it's me, Abigail, we really need to talk
Christina- there's nothing to talk about!
Abigail- yes there is, Ash and I know that we broke the promise we made when we went into middle school. But we didn't tell you that we were dating cause that will lead to where we are now.
Christina- I really don't want to be talking about this right now
Abigail- Christina, you need to listen!
Christina- ugh fine, I'm giving you 5 minutes starting now
Abigail- before we met you, Ash and I did have a crush on each other, so when we got to high school he asked me out, we didn't have the same class do that's why you didn't know and then you figured out on like the 4 day when you were in California. I even tried flying out to California to find you but I found Ross and he wouldn't give me your address. Don't asked how I found Ross' house.
Christina- you know it hurts knowing that you two broke the promise.
Abigail- yeah I know..
Christina- well I gotta go bye

-end of convo-

I want to forgive Abigail for breaking the promise because I'm also breaking the promise too, we made a promise where we wouldn't date anyone in the group that we had and Ross was there when we made that promise so we all broke the promise.. I quickly went onto iMessage to text Ross.

To Ross
I need to tell you something

-5 minutes later-

From Ross
What is it?

To Ross-
Abigail called earlier

From Ross
What'd she say?

To Ross
She said that she's sorry that she broke the promise and Ash and her had a crush on each other and Ash ask her out when I wasn't there since I didn't have the same classes with them.

From Ross

To Ross
You know what I realized after that conversation

From Ross
What is it? You are scaring me right now I don't know why..

To Ross
There's nothing to be scared of Rossy the thing im gonna tell you is bad.... kinda but what I realized is that we all broke the promise, you were there when we made the promise!

From Ross
You know I hate being called Rossy! If you can call me Rossy I can call you Chris or Chrissy!
And we all did, didn't we?

To Ross
Deal, and I've been think we should forgive them.

From Ross
Maybe we should..
We will call her tonight

To Ross
It was an unknown number when she called.

From Ross
We will Skype her then

To Ross

I locked my phone afterwards since he didn't reply, I probably spent like a good half an hour in my phone..

Ross' POV
Christina just texted me that Abigail called her and we plan on forgiving them since Christina was right, we all broke the promise and we made the promise like a month before I moved.


The date I planned for Christina was on the beach, I planned last minute that we should watch the sunset then we will do whatever we want.

"What are you doing tonight?" Rydel asked.
"Stuff" I replied.
"Why won't you tell me?"
"Cause it's private stuff"
"Ugh, fine"
"I planned to have a family game night, that's all"

I wonder if she forgot that I was going out with Christina, she was eavesdropping on us last night.
I looked at the time and it was 6:30, I should start heading to Christina's so we can watch the sunset.
When I got to Christina's I knocked on the door.

"Hey" Christina said.
"Ready?" I asked.

Christina closed the door while I intertwined our hands.

"Where we going?" Christina asked.
"We are going see the sunset at the beach and then we will do whatever" I replied.


When we got to the beach, there wasn't anyone here, it was only us.
We found a place to sit in the sand, Christina put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her end around my arm (note: sorry if that part didnt make sense, I don't know how to word it) and we watched the sun set.
After when the sun finished setting, I picked up Christina bridal style.

"Don't you dare throw me in the water!" Christina said with a laugh.
"Thanks for the idea!" I replied.
"No Ross!"

I ran up to the water and started counting down.

"3,2,1" I said.

I tried throwing Christina in the water but she managed to pull me down with her so we both got wet.
When we both got out of the water we both started laughing.

"We should go home and dry off" I said.
"Yeah we should" Christina replied.


"I'll meet you here after" I said.
"Okay" Christina replied and walked into her house.

I started walking home, I need to figure out a way where my siblings won't see me.
When I entered the house, it seemed like they were all downstairs. I quickly ran upstairs, quickly showered and all that stuff then I towel dried my hair where it was damp and left to go to Christina's house.
When I got to Christina's house, her door was unlocked. I walked up to her room and she was sitting there in her phone.

"Hey" I said softly.
"Hi" Christina replied.
"Ready to Skype Abigail and tell her?"

Christina walked over to her desk where her laptop was, she picked it up and brought it to her bed and I sat beside her.
Christina logged into Skype and it said Abigail was online, before Christina pressed the call button Abigail called so she accepted it.

Christina- we need to talk
Abigail- *worried* about what? I thought we cleared up everything. Did we not?
Christina- well.... There was one thing I realized.
Abigail- what is it?
Christina- we all broke the promise Abigail
Abigail- w-what do you mean?


This is like two chapters in one! It's really long!
Hope you guys enjoyed this super super long chapter!
I need to do major editing on this book too, I'll do that after I finish writing this book.

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