Chapter 23

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Ross' POV
A couple days have pass and Christina wouldn't talk to me, I even tried texting her and it will say she read it! I also showed up at her house and her mom said she wasn't home. Couple minutes ago I asked Rydel and she said she's probably busy. I will call her then! And if that doesn't work then I don't know what to do.. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number, it rang and rang and it went to voicemail.. I feel like she's avoiding me, but what did I do to make her avoid me? I need to talk to her like now! I will show up at her house later, her mom won't be home later anyways.
I went to unplug my phone from my charger and headed towards the front door.
When I got to Christina's front door, I knocked and of course waited, but no answer.

"Christina, I know you in there!" I shouted while banging the door.
"What Ross!" Christina shouted as she flew the door open and clearly annoyed.
"We need to talk"
"About you avoiding me"
"What do you mean"
"You haven't answered my texts or calls! We also haven't talked in the past few days! Are you avoiding me?"
"No, I've been busy"
"Reading my texts and not replying to them is called busy? Usually when you read a text, you will reply to them! Not ignore them!"
"I just don't have the time to reply to them at the moment Ross! I don't know why you are making a big deal out of this"
"We'll having my best friend ignoring me for the past couple of days hurts you know"
"Yes I know the feeling, before I moved here, you never texted or called me, I only texted Rydel or Riker. After when I moved here, you didn't even remember me when I showed up at your house! Then a couple days or a week later you finally remembered me!"

With that, she closed the door.

Christina's POV
After having that conversation with Ross, I ran up to my room and started to cry. Everything has been hard in the past few days. I'm living alone now, mom got a new job but that deals with traveling to different places and she found a place to live and took Aiden with her. I don't know where she is now, I lost contact of her..
I felt my bed shift, I didn't even realize someone came into my house.. Wait someone came into my house! I quickly jumped up and turned to see who it was, whew! It was only Riker. I ignored him and went under my blankets.

"Hey, what's wrong" Riker said softly.

I didn't reply and I just turned to my side.

"You know you will have to tell me eventually" Riker said while removing my blankets off of me.
"You really want to know?" I asked.
I sighed, "well.." I started "one day when I woke up it was oddly quite. I made my way downstairs and saw a note and it said 'I'm sorry honey but I never told you this. I found a new job but it deals with going to different places so it means Aiden and I have moved so now it's your responsibility to take care of this house. I would've asked you but I know you wouldn't want to leave.. I will come by and visit whenever I can! Love you!' And then Ross came earlier and asked why I was ignoring him when I'm not! It's just hard right now! He doesn't know about this I haven't told him.."

I didn't even realize that I started crying while I was telling Riker everything that's happening.

"Shh, it's okay" Riker said softly while pulling me into a hug "whenever your mom has the time she will come visit, and Ross just misses you being around, he was acting weird when you weren't there"
"I j-just miss mom and my little b-brother" I said in between sobs.
"I know Christina, I know"

Riker pulled me onto his lap and started gently rocking side to side while humming an unfamiliar tune, I started calming down a little and drifted off to sleep.


Bad news guys.....

I am planning to end this fanfic but I don't know when, I'm sorry if you guys don't want it too.
I might end it at chapter 35 or chapter 40.. not too sure.

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