Chapter 39

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Christina's POV

I woke up and heard Ross mumbling something.

"No, don't leave me" Ross mumbled. "But I love you!"

"Ross, baby wake up" I said while shaking him.

His eyes shot open and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't leave me" Ross mumbled into my neck.

"Why do you think I'll leave you?" I asked.

"I dreamt that you left me for another guy and you told me that you never loved me"

"I would never leave you for another guy"

"But do you love me"

"Yes Rossy, I do love you"

"Then I love you too"

Ross softly kissed my lips and we both headed down to the living room.


We didn't do much throughout the day, Ross and I just stayed at my house and had a lazy day.

"Babe I'm bored" Ross whined.

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked.

"We should make brownies and cookies"


We headed towards the kitchen and grabbed the things we needed and started mixing the ingredients.

"Rossy look!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Ross asked while looking up and I threw flower in his face and laughed. "You did not just do that!"

"Well I did!"

I tried running away from him but he grabbed me by the waist and cracked an egg on my head, I gasped and grabbed some of the batter and spread it all over Ross' hair.

"My hair!" Ross yelled.

I got out of Ross' grip an ran to the other side of the counter while Ross grabbed the rest of the batter.

"I got you trapped now!" Ross said while walking towards me.

I slowly backed up until I hit the wall.

"Don't you dare pour that or even throw that on me!" I said.

"I wasn't, but thanks for the idea!" Ross replied and poured the rest of the batter on me.

I reached over and grabbed two eggs.

"See these?" I asked.

"No! Don't!" Ross yelled while I smashed them on his head.

I took my chance to run but I slipped and Ross caught me before I collided with the floor.

"We should clean up" Ross said.

"Yeah" I replied.


I hopped into the shower to wash my hair, after that I went back into the kitchen and saw Ross eating..

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Not long" Ross replied. "I'm sad that we didn't get to make brownies and cookies though" he pouted.

"We'll make them another time"

"But I want them now!"

"No Ross"






Ross stuck out his bottom lip.

"If it makes you happy, we can make them tomorrow" I said.

"Yay!" Ross replied.

I quietly laugh.

"Rydel is spamming me with texts.. She needs your help" Ross said.

"Well then, lets go" I replied.

Before we could open the door to Ross' house, the door quickly flew open.

"Good your here!" Rydel said and dragged me to her room.

"What do you need me for?" I asked.

"I need help!"


"Boy problems"

Ross' POV

Rydel dragged Christina away from me, who knows what Rydel needs help with. I headed over to the guys who were playing video games.

"Do you guys know what Rydel needed help on?" I asked.

"No, she was up in her room all day today" Riker replied.

"I think she was also talking to herself at one point.." Rocky said. "She said something about a boy I think"

"Is that all you heard?" Riker asked.

"I think she also said something about developing feelings" Rocky replied.

"We'll figure out sooner or later" I said.

"Or we can figure out now" Riker replied.


"We will play truth or dare, Rydel always picks truth and like dare once or twice"

"Okay, I'll go get them"

I got up and went to Rydel's room and knocked on her door.

"Come in" I hear Rydel said.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" I asked.

"Sure!" Rydel replied.

"I'll watch you guys play" Christina said.

They both got up and followed me back to the living room.

"Christina you party pooper!" Riker said jokingly.

"Hey! Not my fault I don't like the game!" Christina defended.

We all sat in a circle.

"I wanna go first!" Riker said. "Rydel, truth or dare!"

I knew he was gonna pick Rydel..

"Um.. Truth" Rydel said.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Riker asked.

Christina and Rydel looked at each other.

Rydel's totally hiding something.


Finally I updated! Sorry it's taking me forever too! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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