Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

When I heard about Ricky's been in the hospitable, I was devastated, why would he do this to him self he's perfect, beautiful, sexy ,I started to cry and I wanted to go to Cali right away but my mom made me wait till he got back home to visit. I'm about to get on my flight and Trevor's coming too.

I'm about to board when I hear a Trevor behind me I turn around and hug him and we quickly board, I fell asleep on his shoulder and woke up to him yell" dude we here, get up!" I grabbed my bag and got off the plane to see Jc and Connor. I wish ricky was here "hey guys" said Trevor

"Hey"they said in unison

"Let go" I was ready to see ricky!we go to the car and Jc vlogged with Connor and sit quietly in till "some nights" by fun cam on we started singing in the car to every song till we got there


Trevor's POV / two hours later

It's like 11:30 by the time get to the house, we stopped at Taco Bell, after the flight but Sam was surprisingly quiet, I mean he's away quiet but he was a little to quiet, whatever we get out of the car and see ricky and Kian sleeping together on the coach I asked what's going on and Jc just woke them up like it was no big deal we sat on the sofa, "so what's going on with u two and the sleeping together and cuddling?"

"Me and Kian are together and we both are coming out to the fans as soon as Kian's better!"

"Ok that good, why didn't you tell us before?"

" well, we just got together and we wanted to tell you two in person"

"Where r we going to sleep I'm geting tired" whine Sam

" U poor baby, me and ricky will sleep in my room and u two can have Ricky's unless one of u want to sleep on the couch."Kian said with a pouty face

"Night guys" Sam said leaving the room

Then Kian carried ricky up stairs, I hope they aren't doing what I think they are or I'll need ear plugs...

I went up stairs to go to sleep and Sam was almost asleep so i had to wake him up. I throw so nice cold refreshing water on him, I think he was. Going to kill me but I just he controlled his angry a little. then he sat up "Trevor can I tell u a secret,"

"Of course" he gestured me to come towards him and I did and he whistled in my ear and he's a pretty loud whistler if something then he Laid back down and went to sleep so I put on my pjs and went to bed too


I wanted it to make Sam have a crush on him so suck it THAT_ONE_HOE

Aka me bestie Sara, and please comment and vote and follow me plzzz



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