Chapter 16

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One week ago

I got a call form Andrea, her and Kian broke up recently," hey girl"

"Hey," she said tried as dull.

"What's wrong, sweet heart"

"There's really no way to say this but I just found out" she started crying.

"You can tell me"

"I'm pregnant"


"Oh course who's else would it be"

"I don't know"

"I was going to tell him today because he called me too go to lunch but then ricky got hurt, and he Canceled and then me and Jenn went to the hospitable and to see him and pretend we really wanted to see ricky, when we got there I hugged him and he told me he was gay"

"Really, we at least I'm not the only gay o2l member"she laughed a little at my joke"who made him realize he was gay?"

"I think It was ricky, I think they're together now."my heart dropped, I've always had a crush on ricky and now Kian throws him self at him and he gets him , I deserve him way more then Kian does.

"Kian's just get what ever he. wants, doesn't he?"

"I know you like ricky and I love Kian but I want are we going to do?"

"How about this when I go to Cali and see you all, I'll kiss ricky when I'm there before you tell Kian about the baby and when they just forgive me, you'll tell Kian about the baby and it depends on how Kian and ricky react to this news, then we'll go form there, what do you think?"

"I think it's perfect call me as soon ac u get here" she hung up and thought about my plan. What if Ricky's ok with Andrea having Kian's baby? he probably won't be but what if....


Three days ago

" Andrea, I kissed him so our plans are in action"

"Good call me when I can come and tell him"


Current time

I'm outside, come talk to me, if u can!, I got this text form Andrea.

K, just let me get out without any one noticing,

then I walk out side to see her, I give her a hug and then we start taking "so what did, you do after I told Kian" she asked.

"I told ricky that Kian doesn't deserve him and stuff like that, and some stuff that make him question your pregnancy."

"Good, I better go before someone see me but what's next."

"Well, next we wait for them to get in to a fight and I'll comfort ricky and then ricky will come to me and Kian will be devastated and go back to u and his child, it's perfect!"

"But do u know they'll get in a fight?"

"I made ricky second guess, his future with Kian" then we heard the door open for behind us and Andrea go in to her car and drove away. it's Connor.

"Hey sam, what are you doing out here?"

"Getting so fresh air, I'm still a little upset"

"About ricky?"

"Yea, he choose him even after he knocked Andre up and she's pregnant now"

"Wait, what?"

"Yea I was in the living room on the couch and they didn't realize I was there and they started fighting about what to do

"Kian and Andrea?"

"Yea and then he told ricky, he said that ricky would be like his second dad and they'll like get married and he or she will have a mom and two dads"

"Wow, i heard all of that when they were talking but u still love ricky don't you?"

"Yea, I do but I promised to lay off when they're together."

"I'm actual agreeing with you, it's probably better for ricky to be with you"

"I wouldn't say that but I might be true" I shrugged as if I had no idea.

"Maybe I'll have a conversion with ricky about this, I mean, I am the honorary dad for o2l"

"Yea everyone looks up it you"

"Aww thanks"with that he walked away and we both went inside to go to bed, I feel like tomorrow will be a good day.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated like in forever, well it's been forever for me, so I made this chapter long I think, because last time I said that if wasn't that long but now were in the enemy's Brain omg, it was all a plan.



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