Chapter 22

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Kian POV

How could he not remember, I said that over and over. I love him and he loved me before at least." Jc just let me talk to him"

"The doctor doesn't think that's the best thing right now. where's Connor?"

"I doth want to talk about him, and nice try, trying to change the subject."

"Why don't you want to talk about Connor?" Jc ask, very confused.

"He's just not as important as ricky, right now." I said unsure

"Nice try, where is he?"

"He drove off after......." I stopped myself form telling him.

"After what, Kian you need to tell me or I'm just going to find out my self!!!" he basic screemed in my face, everyone turned and looked at us, I pulled him to the out of the room so we can talk in private. we were in some kinda of conference room now but at least it was empty.

"Connor"i began but I couldn't au the word by now my whole body was shaking, Jc hugged me and try to calm me down,

"What did he do?"

"Connor kissed me, and now I don't know where he is he said that Sam don't desever me and that he loves me. so I got out of the car. then came in here but when I got out of the car I saw him crying and talking to him self. then I watched the car speed away, so I'm kinda worried" I couldn't even say half of that he had to help me get my words our but when u finally finished Jc hugged me tighter and told me to stay here at the hospitable with ricky and he'll go look for Connor. I agreed and then Jc left.


Jc's POV

I got half was to our house and all I could hear was sirens. I just prayed that it wasn't Connor.


13 minutes earlier/Connors POV

I'm so stupid, he's in love with ricky. Not me, not Andrea, Ricky and every one knows that. I just get caught in moment. I need to stop and think before I act. I should slow down before I get I'm a car accident. Ok stop thinking and calm down so you can concentrate on the road. But wait, why can't I slow down. Shit, I just hit that car. What the hell is on my hand? Is that blood? What why is the world spinning and blurry? then every thing went black!


Hey y'all, I'm writing a non fan fiction it's a real book wow and I would love if you all read it. I am aware that my grammar isn't the best and my spelling, I am sorry about that I try but my friend is going to start helping me with that so hopefully it will get better.



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