Prologue: What Lore has Become

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The world of Lore has been torn apart. Chaos monsters reigned over the whole land, corrupting what once was a peaceful world of equality. The Great Truce, though still intact, falls to pieces as leaders of their factions fall. Gomfalion and his allies must now complete their final mission to save Lore once and for all. They must travel to Drakath's lair and defeat him before he can set chaos loose upon the world. Chaos is rising... And The Alliance must rise up and put an end to it.

Many have died in the process of stopping chaos. Countless battles, and so many stories of chaos lords that cant be written into books. The aforementioned countless battles, were successfully triumphed, but only at the cost of the lives of the soldiers killed, generals slaughtered, leaders fallen, and friendships, ended.


Death on the side of many.


Men walking the path of chaos.



"One thing is for certain, this final battle will be the hardest one to triumph," Gomfalion announced to his dear friends. "Twelve lords of chaos have been defeated, and as said, there will be thirteen. We are waiting for the last one."

"So many battles against these chaos lords," Ahmes said. "Just imagine, if we've been fighting so hard against Lionfang and Alteon, 11th and 12th chaos lords, what more for the other people? The dwarves, elves, trolls, orcs, they all fought together!"

"I agree," Kitri said. "Everyone in Lore was powerful enough to fend off the first twelve, but what about the thirteenth, and what about Drakath himself?"

"It's all an enigma," Gomfalion said. "Which is why we're here, why I will go and face Drakath."

"It's about time you go," Chizet said. "Find answers. Confront him. After all, you are the one who knows him most."

"Alright. I'll go," Gomfalion said. "Aether!"

Aether loyally came with a loud bark. Gomfalion set the saddle, and a small bag of food and water. He sheathed his sword and rode, looking back at his friends.

"Once again, I think I have to beg to come with you," Gamzati said shyly.

"You with me?" Gomfalion asked in an annoyed tone. "It's too dangerous. Stay here."

"No. I'll come with you," Gamzati demanded. "I'll ride that dangerous road with you."

Gomfalion sighed. "Fine. Hop on."

"Good luck, you two," Ahmes cheered.

"And be careful," Chizet added.

"We will," Gomfalion nodded. "Drakath, we're coming. Gariiga!"

And Aether ran as soon as Gomfalion commanded. They traveled miles without stopping. The sky went darker and darker, and the sun hid beneath the clouds. They came nearer and nearer to their destination, as the sky turned purple. They then arrived at their destination and dwelling place of Drakath, Mount Doomskull.

The sky was in a dark purple. It was a tall mountain with floating surfaces around it. At the top, was the chaos portal, where Drakath sits on his throne. The portal was still unopened, but it seemed to be nearly complete, since twelve out of thirteen runes of the stone circle were lighted up.

"This is it," Gomfalion said. "After all that has gone, and all that we've been through, it's time for you to pay."


The time has finally come.

The 13 Lords of Chaos.


"HAHAHA! I have been waiting for this moment, hero," Drakath said evilly, from the top of the mountain.


It is time to confront fate.


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